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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 10 months ago
    "What we believe and act upon we consider our own free will. Nothing could be further from the truth. We as a people and a nation are subject to massive and continuous propaganda. So programmed are the masses that they become hostile to truth."

    That's funny. I've been studying cults recently and the same rule applies, just on a smaller scale. Totalitarian governments are just big cults. Scary isn't it.
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    • Posted by $ Genez 9 years, 10 months ago
      Good observation. Just try to impugn the government to anyone who is dependent on it. You will see a cult like defense of the system automatically!
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      • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 10 months ago
        Yes, I have seen this firsthand with a family member who belongs to a cult. When you question the cult doctrine with logic and reason you invoke the persecution complex. They will go off on you like a complete lunatic. It is because the brain is in conflict with itself. Those in power know you do not need to kill someone to take away their life. It happens every day. "You don't like Obama because he's black!".. yeah like I haven't heard that a million times. Apply logic and reason and you get a "You're a teabagging capitalist pig murderer..insert more insults here.."
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
    I found the article somewhat disjointed, hopping from topic to topic...probably 'hopping mad' is an accurate description.

    But there is one sentence that is both dangerous and untrue: "Such a system might be tolerable if the oligarchs had the people’s best interests at heart." This is the heart of what is wrong: the liberals to whom I speak sincerely believe that they do have "the people's best interests at heart." They are voting for the 'right things' that the (stupid little) common man needs even if he does not know he needs it - like ACA.

    No Oligarchy of well-intentioned people should hold power in excess of the rights and freedoms of the people.

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    • Posted by Timelord 9 years, 10 months ago
      "I found the article somewhat disjointed..."

      I agree. It was less an article or an essay than it was a series of quotations or sound bites. You can take any one of the paragraphs and imagine reading it in a collection of "101 Best Quotes about X."

      That said, most of the sound bites were accurate.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 10 months ago
    We face a morass of laws, most of them so silly that the only excuse for their existence is to make it impossible to perform any action without breaking a few of them. As a result, business and industries are stultified because there is no legal upside. to going into business or manufacturing, only the risk of becoming a criminal in order to survive.
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