Deep Diving in the Moral Cesspool
This is an excerpt; the full article can be accessed on the link above.
So both parties will seize whatever fleeting advantage they can from essentially trivial issues while ignoring the implications of theirs and their opposition’s yawning moral deficits. Long before the currency is devalued to nothing, the tax collections collapse, the borders are overrun, and the people revolt, empires rot from within. The virtues that built it give way to cupidity, corruption, sloth, degeneracy, debauchery, perversity, power-lust, and suicidal refusal to acknowledge or confront ever-more dismal reality. The pathologies are most pronounced among those claiming the “right” to rule or simply seizing power. Deep diving in the moral cesspool that is current politics and governance strengthens the conviction that America has little chance of escaping the death sentence history tolled on the empires that came before it.
So both parties will seize whatever fleeting advantage they can from essentially trivial issues while ignoring the implications of theirs and their opposition’s yawning moral deficits. Long before the currency is devalued to nothing, the tax collections collapse, the borders are overrun, and the people revolt, empires rot from within. The virtues that built it give way to cupidity, corruption, sloth, degeneracy, debauchery, perversity, power-lust, and suicidal refusal to acknowledge or confront ever-more dismal reality. The pathologies are most pronounced among those claiming the “right” to rule or simply seizing power. Deep diving in the moral cesspool that is current politics and governance strengthens the conviction that America has little chance of escaping the death sentence history tolled on the empires that came before it.
Fantastic writing. Thanks for the posting.
lots of not fun