Amateur Night, 2014 (Happy New Year)
A Happy New Year to all of my fellow Gulchers.
May this new year bring you freedom and opportunity...
and may it bring DC as sea of indictments.
That said, please remember that New Year's Eve is also called "Amateur Night": the night when those who would normally not drive drunk decide that it's a good idea.
Stay warm and stay safe.
And I look forward to seeing you all in the new year..
May this new year bring you freedom and opportunity...
and may it bring DC as sea of indictments.
That said, please remember that New Year's Eve is also called "Amateur Night": the night when those who would normally not drive drunk decide that it's a good idea.
Stay warm and stay safe.
And I look forward to seeing you all in the new year..
Happy New Year all my Gulch friends too.
A happy and prosperous new year to all the Gulchers.
Health, happiness, love, and prosperity, to all of the Gulch. You are a treasure I found while looking elsewhere and have added to my life immeasurably.
Thanks for good thoughts shared,
Wisdom born of truth and will.
Each year brings new hope.
Be safe and happy all year!