Bye, bye HIPPA

Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago to Government
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  • Posted by Lnxjenn 9 years, 11 months ago
    No offense to anyone, but who didn't see this coming? They seem to be looking for lots of people to be doing things that are unconstitional! So, it will probably turn into like the NHS, where basically everyone with access to the NHS computers, from anywhere, can know what's wrong with you. NHS also has the issue that people most times will only report or go to the GP when they have a very bad ailment, and don't check for other things... or don't speak up about other problems that could be related.

    Welcome to the US's version of the NHS... which even privatized (sort of... not really) sucks. It only works if you're dying or in a really bad accident.
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