I've got to throw in just an element of doubt to this. I didn't see anything in there that indicated what type of jobs. What if the jobs are as political consultants and this program is just a front for politicians to get more campaign cash? It happened for Hillary Clinton in 2008 - her finance manager actually went to prison.
While I generally have no use for political consultants, in this case I really don't care if they would be doing that. They are bringing money and creating jobs. There's no such thing as a bad job.
Only bad people in the jobs? Personally I'd eliminate all corporate lobbyists. I think of them as political consultants. Haven't seen any that were good for smaller government and more liberty.
I think lobbyists do more than just talk. They provide promises of future employment, personal favors, sometimes for relatives of congressmen. Some congressmen also become corporate lobbyists when they have to or choose to leave office, using their positions as ex-congressmen to provide exceptional access that ordinary people almost never get, It's about as ethical as the relationship between Arthur Anderson and Enron was. We can't get rid of the job of congressmen, and expecting people who are elected to congress to have ethics is naive. Elimination of the lobbyists appears a more likely positive step.
If I hadn't seen this movie before I might believe you. the last politician who went to the Dark Center and retained good ethics was James Stewart as Mr Smith.
I also forgot to include the real exception, Ron Paul. I hope Grothman and many others act as Ron Paul did and join forces to return the fedgv to its original purposes as described in the Articles of Confederation.
I'd like to know where the applicants are coming from. <update> I now see majority are Chinese... that layout on the web page led me to think I had read the entire article but there was more below the advertising. It appears rational to see wealthy Chinese want to come to the US. The US regime is arguably less oppressive up to now compared to China. Maybe they will bring back some of those dollars America has sent out for Chinese products.
Happy New Year to you!
I hope Grothman and many others act as Ron Paul did and join forces to return the fedgv to its original purposes as described in the Articles of Confederation.
I now see majority are Chinese... that layout on the web page led me to think I had read the entire article but there was more below the advertising.
It appears rational to see wealthy Chinese want to come to the US. The US regime is arguably less oppressive up to now compared to China.
Maybe they will bring back some of those dollars America has sent out for Chinese products.