If you want a good example, just look around when you are seated in a restaurant.
What percentage of the people you see are on their phones? Texting, playing games, or something else. Basically anything except interacting with the people they are eating with.
That is a nice rant. Yeah - much is true. They neglected to mention pharmceuticals and diet. Those, as crazy as it might sound to many, are driving people nuts. I know kids who are completely different personalities if they eat much processed food. I was involved in a study that looked at the blood of vaccinated vs. unnvaccinated. Let me tell you - that was scary as hell.
What percentage of the people you see are on their phones? Texting, playing games, or something else. Basically anything except interacting with the people they are eating with.
We are in trouble.
So lets all start running to stay ahead, or at least walk along instead of mindlessly shuffling.