Can’t Wait For That Next Election
The prospect of a Jeb-Hillary election should put the body politic in the same frame of mind as a restless teenager, ready to do something rash, dangerous, and destructive, just to relieve the tedium. That, unfortunately, is giving the body politic far too much credit.
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Galt help us!
Happy holidays!
Obama strikes me as trying to have it both ways--one foot in the central-banking camp and the other in the central-planning camp of the Communists.
The most clear-cut election would be Paul v. Warren.
There is no peaceful solution in sight. Atlantis is needed more every day.
the same ticket, since their policies are so close. -- j
Michelle Malkin recently weighed in on this:
First, I always vote. I feel it is my American duty.
But should it come down to no GOP option but Jeb Bush or some RINO like him, for the first time ever this Constitutional Libertarian will vote for the alternative Libertarian instead of always voting for "the lesser of two evils."
But I'm sick and tired of holding my nose every time I vote since Reagan.
Not to mention the wimp-out antics of RINOs in the GOP.
I could stomach Rand Paul even though I disagree with him on a few important points. I could pull his lever against any Democrat opponent without feeling dirty. But people like Justin Amash seem to be sticking to libertarian positions (although I fully admit that I'm not keeping careful track of him) and I'd much rather vote for a person that believes in true liberty and freedom.