There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming | Zero Hedge
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 2 months ago to Economics
I thought this was a great article. There's something calming about knowing what's coming versus not having a clue.
World Trade Center #7 was home to the SEC investigating nearly $60 Billion dollars in trades. By excitin morons that they have to kill the bloodlines of Jesus through staged war, and selected Hijackers, the morons are like protect my money to hell with the planet.
You can make money. Just don't let it crowd your judgement, no more war. Those who invent solely for the sake of money returned, but do not foster the value of a company as a domestic benefit, foster funny papers and not the wealthy of a society or its actual economy.
Deal in cash or paper checks as much as possible. Make you money elsewhere.
And pray for dividends on what you loan the paper stock share markets.
People have purchased shares in me. My return is to look out for others.
Invest in farm skills, PPE, and manual farm tools.
Don't let pavement sprawl across green soil.
Purchase farm land, and lease it, rather than develop it.