Hey, Maph... you missed one...

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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While I'm loathe to defend Alec Baldwin, even if he said what he was accused of saying, it wasn't "homophobic".
"Homophobic" would have been something like, "Oh, my God! Run! There's a c*ks**king f*g approaching! Run for your lives! Godzirra! Godzirra!"

Meanwhile, while we're expected to allow the warping of a perfectly good word to promote the stereotype of homosexuals as being effeminate (to wit: "gay"), "redneck" is continued to be used as a welcome slur by one and all w/o the least bit of outrage anywhere outside of my apartment. "Dumbf**king redneck" is still perfectly acceptable. (and God forbid you should name your football team "redskins"; it might offend some aborigines whose permanent tan is the color of red Oklahoma clay.)

And while I'd probably be taken to court for referring to Obama as "The Democrats boy", any white male you encounter is fair game, regardless of age, to be called "white boy".

And don't tell any homosexual jokes (even if they're about Barney Frank, a walking, talking, homosexual joke), but feel free to tell dumb blonde jokes.

But, blondes can always die their hair, and join in twisting perfectly useful words like "chairman" into tongue twisters such as "chairperson". Or dropping "actress" and "hostess" altogether. And God forbid you should refer to "flight attendants" as "stewards" and "stewardesses".

My point (you knew I'd get around to one, have faith) is that it doesn't matter that the slur Baldwin used was directed at the (probably inaccurately) presumed sexual appetite of his victim. Had he called the guy a "baby-raping bastard" it would have been equally offensive (and probably equally inaccurate). But, no, they don't make the issue that Baldwin has a propensity for curse-laced verbal abuse, which it should be; they make the issue that this particular curse-laced verbal abuse violated the requirement that we all must embrace and accept homosexuality.

SOURCE URL: http://www.tmz.com/2013/11/14/alec-baldwin-fag-fathead-pap-photographer-rant-video/

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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 10 months ago
    Personally, I am not against "gay marriage", but really what the argument should be, is why is the government regulating marriage anyway? The government, it doesn't matter what wing of the Big Government Party is in power, should not be our nanny. Telling us who can marry and who cannot. They should not be in the marriage business. Get out of it and let the people decide who they want to marry, said and done.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
    I don't watch TMZ. Celebrity worship isn't my thing. Just seems like a waste of time.

    Whenever I'm at Wal-Mart, the celebrity gossip magazines they have up front always have some kind of headline along the lines of "Guess who's pregnant now?" And I'm like, "I don't care."

    Honestly, if people spent as much time developing their own talents as they do worshiping celebrities, they'd probably be celebrities themselves.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    that is an incorrect interpretation. Sex can be a deeply satisfying expression of love. You don't LOVE everything. People are pretty discriminating with it-check its definition.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 10 months ago
    Please explain to me what this topic has to do with a website devoted to the writings of Ayn rand and the movies made based on her book Atlas Shrugged?

    This sort of discussion belongs on the TMZ site where all those concerned with "celebrity" moronic statements belong.

    I would further question the webmaster of Galt's Gulch to explain why there are apparently no standards of any kind for posting on this site?

    My purpose is not to restrict free speech, but to encourage appropriate topics for this site.

    Fred Speckmann
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      I appreciate your input Fred. You're not going to like all the posts. If you don't like it, vote it down. If enough individuals in here don't like something they vote and it is pretty clear. This post made the Daily digest though and enjoys three points and 35 comments. But I'm happy to have the discussion with you. Are you proposing that each post has to directly relate to the AS movies or AR or AR's books or Objectivism?
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      • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 10 months ago
        By the way, I haven't found a way to vote anything down or up.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
          by each post and by each comment there is a number. a blue thumbs up button and a blue thumbs down. click your pleasure. I will tell you though I often point up a comment I disagree with if I want more people to join in the conversation. the more points a comment has, the further up the thread it travels.
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      • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 10 months ago
        Re: khalling,
        No, I;m not proposing that, what I'm hoping to see are discussions that deal with the general philosophy of Ayn Rand. As an example, I would point to my posted, titled: Are American Bankers the Jews of 1938 Germany? I don't mean to put my post as being in some way superior, only to point out the fact that Ayn Rand's philosphy is important and that post touches on many of her points. For example, the present administrations attacks on Wall Street and business in general. Pitting one group against another, by scapegoating earned wealth as being the evil on this earth instead of the source of jobs. The constant barrage of false claims directed towards successful people as if they are only successful because they cheated the poor. Perhaps the time has come for the achievers to go on strike and let the moochers see where their next meal is coming from.

        My ultimate point to criticizing some of the posts is that we have serious matters to deal with, let the moochers deal with the celebrity gossip.

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        • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
          Okay, let's get it straight.
          I didn't bring this up as celebrity gossip. CHECK YOUR PREMISES.

          This is the issue of political correctness, one of the most powerful and pervasive tools used by the left to shape us into a collectivist paradise.

          This isn't celebrity gossip about who's banging who in Hollyweird; it's about the media, *intentionally* focusing on the verbal abuse employing derogatory references to homosexuality, rather than on the verbal abuse itself.

          So, this is about political correctness, not about celebrities or gossip.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
          I get your point. and I enjoyed your post btw. I gave it a thumbs up and gave comments in the post some points as well. You're pretty new yet, so I suggest you wait and watch for awhile. All of suggestions have become posts in the past. I suggest again that you go to the top of the page and select a category such as business, economics, or philosophy. The vast majority in here have made many serious posts. But it's also nice to discuss other issues knowing the audience in general. There's plenty of room for some laughter, irony, the arts, etc
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  • Posted by Argo 10 years, 10 months ago
    I agree with LetsShrug. Language is important and words have meaning. To arbitrarily change the meaning of words to fit a political agenda is wrong. Isn't that the same thing the elites do to win the hearts of weak minded people?
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  • Posted by letfreedomring10 10 years, 10 months ago
    He should have left the country (he said he would) if Bush was elected President. If I had his cash, I would have left in spite of WHO is elected here; as they are all no good and all are corrupt period. . .
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    I was happily going along with you until the end. you do not have to embrace anything I value. unless you vote to remove my value that is non-coercive.
    personally, I'd like to see more emphasis on rational self interest which would not include some sort of special privilege for one group and the under the thumb for another group. If the gay political machine would get a clue about this-they'd be so much more productive as individuals. but NO they must be a group and they must be marginalized. it's a fail for them. sadly, imo
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    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
      Excuse me, but what makes you think teamwork is counter productive? If it were not for a united effort against bigotry, not only would there not have been legalized marriage equality in 16 states now, but it's also probable that the so-called "anti-sodomy" laws would never have been declared unconstitutional (up until 2003 it was actually illegal to even be gay in some states). Individualism is fine when it's applied exclusively to the concept of rights, but saying that an individual can be more effective than a coordinated team is simply wrong.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
        what you are confusing is the philosophical position of individualism with the practical question of how to accomplish an objective: such as eliminating sodomy laws which are inconsistent with individual freedom. You want to hide behind a group legislatively. that is collectivism. do you see the difference behind advocating sodomy laws overturned vs new laws giving one group preferential treatment? why is marriage the goal over contractual agreement enforcement for example. understand, I think privileges allowed married couples in the US should have no more legal weight than a simple contract. no tax benefits, etc.
        on this post, you're taking ME on Maph? lol
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        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
          Wait, I'm confused about what you're saying, then. Apparently I misunderstood. Could you clarify your argument, please?
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          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
            lol. what needs clarifying? you know me. I am against ANY law that is not consistent with natural rights. marriage is a "special" entitlement in our country. Fail. it is a contract. however, it has a definition. gay couples need to come up with a different word for their contract. you should actively be against special tax privileges for anyone. taxes should be based on consumption.
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            • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
              Forcing LGBT people to use a different term to describe their relationships would only encourage further stigmatization and relegate them to the status of second class citizens. And yes, I am against special privileges, which is why I insist on the legalization of actual marriages and not civil unions, because in places where civil unions are permitted, they always come with fewer legal benefits than actual marriage. This gives opposite-sex couples unfair tax privileges which are denied to same-sex couples. So yes, I am definitely opposed to that. Equal rights should mean the SAME rights, not something different that lawmakers try to pass off as roughly equivalent.

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              • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
                I don't care what you do, but you can't have the word "marriage". You can have all the 'equalness' you want, but keeping the human race going will be something you will never be able to do. So your marriage and my marriage are NOT the same thing. We can be legally equal all the live long day, but physically equal is an impossibility. We already have the name... find your own. And no, that does NOT make you a second class citizen no matter how you stretch it.
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                • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                  Well, I suppose you're entitled to your opinion, but the current trend clearly indicates where the law is heading in the future. For example, consider Prop. 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California but still allowed for Civil Unions, yet was overturned by the Ninth Circuit as being discriminatory. Also consider Hawaii, which had Civil Unions since 2011, but just a few days ago legalized full on same-sex marriage. I suppose you can be obstinate about it if you want, but the future trajectory of these events is undeniable.

                  Also, gay and lesbian people are perfectly capable of reproducing. Not with each other, obviously (at least not yet), but there are such things as sperm donors and surrogate mothers.
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                  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
                    Sorry, it's called biology. males and females reproduce. member of the same sex may have a relationship, but not to the end of reproduction, for which the legal union for of a male and female is called "marriage". Words have value and a homosexual union is not same.

                    We've ceded homosexuals the name "gay", which used to mean happy. That's mixed up enough since most of the homosexual people I've known are angry, unhappy and socially unbalanced. Be that as it is, you can find another "term" to use.
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                  • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
                    The current trend also indicates that we're heading for a fascist/communist/socialist future. Just because it is a current trend doesn't make it either right or desirable.

                    Gay and lesbian people are perfectly capable of getting married. Not to each other, obviously, but there are such things as members of the opposite sex.
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                  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
                    But...if you were left to your own devices...the human race would die out. Just because what you want will probably happen doesn't make my point any less valid. I hope you know you can't FORCE others to accept what they don't/won't accept... your force actually has the opposite affect. And thanks for letting me know I'm "entitled" to my opinion...you "suppose". Right back at ya, Maph.
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                    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                      Well yeah, if 100% of the population were homosexual, then naturally population levels would certainly become a legitimate concern. However, that isn't reality. The reality is that only approximately 5% - 10% of the population is homosexual (getting an exact percentage is difficult because so many people are in the closet about their sexuality). And actual laws should be based on reality, not impossible and unrealistic hypothetical scenarios. In the real world, it isn't necessary for every single person to reproduce, so making that a prerequisite for marriage is rather inane.
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                      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
                        It's not about everyone being gay or not...baby making faculties are a fact and a valid distinction. I said nothing about every single person reproducing being a necessity (believe me I'D NEVER SAY THAT)... So don't put words, or made-up arguments, in my mouth. Nor did I say it should be a prerequisite to marriage. My point is... my marriage and yours aren't the same and they shouldn't have the same name. Names mean something...just ask your lgbt club friends...they have a bunch of them. And the gov shouldn't be butting into ANYbody's relationships, married or otherwise. Stop begging for them to get involved with yours...(it won't change any opinions anyway..those who accept will accept and those you don't won't)...as the saying goes..be careful what you wish for.
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                        • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
                          If you want reality, then accept the reality that a sexual appetite for other than the opposite sex of one's own species is a mental/emotional illness.
                          The bond between man and wife isn't simply a rational contract, but an instinctual emotion, which is why most marriages include ceremony with the contract; to cement the emotional connection.

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                          • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                            Sexual orientation is controlled by biology. As such, it must be subject to deviation and mutation, just like every other aspect of biology.
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                            • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
                              not completely maph. I have a close friend who has a great gay marriage and they have have two daughters. She is very clear she can go either way. But she fell in love. I don't think you can downplay people's experiences. I am not saying that biology doesn't play a role. I think it does for many. Love is a powerful motivator.
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                          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
                            I gave you a point, I completely disagree. men and wives is it? women need not apply?
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                            • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
                              Women and wives doesn't make sense.

                              The traditional wedding vows... "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride".

                              More romantic to me than "... I now pronounce you contractually obligated. You may engage in pseudo-sexual activities with the person, animal or object of your choice at this time."

                              But, I'm old-fashioned :D
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                        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                          Ah yes, I forgot about the whole "get government out of marriage entirely" argument. I suppose reverting to common law marriages – where all anyone has to do in order to be married is act like they're married – is certainly a legitimate argument from a purely philosophical standpoint, though the actual implementation of that would require several other government programs to be undone first, and that isn't likely to happen anytime soon. The fact that government is involved with marriage is unchangeable, at least for the foreseeable future. As such, it is imperative for LGBT couples to be extended the same rights as everybody else.

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                          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
                            Fine...just don't call it "marriage" though. That's my only beef. You don't get to change the definition of my marriage, but you are welcome to all the same legal rights. Divorce lawyers will love it too.
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              • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
                legal benefits are a different question and I see you are happy to promote them. I want to start there with your thinking. that foundation is stigmatizing. You fwant to force me to accept terms such as LGBT which I don't even know what it stands for. I am sick to death with every little group slapping me down because I do not acknowledge their brand new name. Homosexuality is as old as time maph.
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                • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                  LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.

                  Basically it's just a shorthand way of referring to the entire community at once. Sometimes people will change up the order of the letters and use GLBT instead, and the other day I even heard one advocate say she liked to use BLTG because she found it amusing to make people think she was talking about a sandwich. But LGBT and GLBT are the two most dominate arrangements.

                  In addition, there also times when people will tack the letter Q on the end for Queer in order to include anyone not covered under the first four categories. I've also noticed that it's becoming more common to add the letter I for Intersex and A for Asexual (total absence of sexual attraction to anyone), and P for Pansexual (similar to bisexual, except that it acknowledges the existence of more than two genders). Of course the more letters that get added on to the acronym, the more unwieldy it becomes (LGBTQIAP is more difficult to say than LGBT), and there is a debate among community members as to whether to use a different label other than what has become known as the "alphabet soup." The LGBT club at the university I attend decided to simply call themselves the Spectrum Club, and clubs at other universities experiment with varying names and labels as well, and some people advocate using shorter but more inclusive alternatives such as GSM (Gender and Sexual Minorities) or GSD (Gender and Sexual Diversity).

                  You can find more information at the following links:


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                  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
                    maph! yes, my close friend probably came up with the Q wordage at CC in Colorado recently. but still. can I know you by a well d eveloped resume? Please?!
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                    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                      Well the word "queer" has been used by the gay and lesbian communities for a long time.

                      And you're asking for a resume? What for?
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                      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
                        I meant your resume in here. it's true that Colorado College took some heat recently for posting online a position that asked for for gender and then sexuality. One of the choices was "queer." which seems derogatory to me-but what do I know?
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                  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
                    sigh... I wish I could unread that. There is no "I" in "Club". And what kind of proof do you need to join? Is there an initiation? An oath? A Promise or a Pledge?
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                    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
                      From what I've seen, most college clubs allow anyone to join, even straight people (who are typically referred to as Straight Allies, or just Allies).

                      I haven't really much looked into non-university organizations, so I can't say what their policies would be like. My guess is there's a significant amount of diversity (!) among different clubs.
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