Gun attack on French magazine kills 12 - because of cartoons

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Gunmen have attacked the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people and injuring seven in an apparent Islamist attack.

Three masked attackers opened fire with assault rifles in the office and exchanged shots with police in the street outside before escaping by car.

The gunmen shouted "we have avenged the Prophet Muhammad", witnesses say.

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    Posted by etharris 9 years, 8 months ago
    I watched the video clip of the gunmen shooting the wounded officer. Its important people see that raw side of it, and understand that this stuff isnt a game. Theres not really words to describe how angry it made me. Unarmed, and helpless on the ground and the guy literally executes him on the run. Had it been a war zone, I might get why that act would've been necessary. It wasn't though, because that man was begging for his life and posed no threat to anyone. These people give no value to life at all and nobody seems to want to do a damn thing about them. I just don't get it... That single video made me willing to fight if I had to, made me angry enough. I don't understand how the world can be so idle. If this proverbial "World Peace" is a thing that the oh-so glorious U.N. wants accomplished, then why are they not unleashing blanket ground warfare against animals like this? The truth is, until people like those gunmen are eradicated (and I do mean eradicated, not withered or lessened or bruised or water-boarded) there will never be a chance at true peace of any kind.
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    • Posted by etharris 9 years, 8 months ago
      And actually I just answered my own question in my head. Why should the U.N. stop them? These gunmen are catalysts for state-driven "safety" measures. Who was it that said something like "A people that place safety and security over freedom deserve neither"? All driving towards centralized government probably... who knows anymore.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 8 months ago
        Ben Franklin. He may have said or written it on more than one occasion. Originally it seems to have been, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." It is hard to shine more brightly in several areas than did Franklin.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 8 months ago
      You don't seem to understand that they don't see non-Muslims as humans worthy of life. Their religious tenets advocate killing those who are not believers. The irony is that that police officer was MUSLIM.

      Ignorance of evil was what lead to so many innocent deaths in WWII at the hands of the Nazis concentration camps. We have similar ignorance in our politicians and bleeding hearts today.
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 8 months ago
        They see non-Muzzl'ems as humans worthy of life, to the extent they allow that at all, provided they dutifully practice dhimmitude. The Muslim they murdered was not an irony, he "betrayed" the Faith by going over the Dark Side as civilization.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 8 months ago
    Sometimes I reflect on the torture devices and execution techniques used in the middle, high, and renaissance ages and on into the enlightenment. It is true that many of them were used unjustly, but at least back then we had a way to dispose of vermin like this. France does not have the death penalty, but what else is there for humanoids who do things like this? Yes, try them so they get their due process, I know that is important, but then it should be off to the firing squad.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 8 months ago
      Maybe France will let the Shria courts handle their due process. Then what? France has already invited the vampire into their house... and I don't think they have what it takes to get them out... I mean... we're talking about France here.
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      • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 8 months ago
        I think they are in our house too and have been for quite some time. I also don't see any indication the current administration wants to get them out either.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 8 months ago
          I've been saying for years that they are here and just waiting for that phone call. However, unlike Europe, we don't recognize sharia law... yet. I'm sure bo and the U.N. are getting some pens ready for that too. NOTHING would surprise me at this point.
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          • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 8 months ago
            I have heard there are some areas where sharia may be prevelent in the US but I just don't want to believe it. Unfortunately there are things that have happened in this country in the past right under everyone's nose that I would not have believed either.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    Remember the old phrase, "f**k them if they can't take a joke." The reality is that they can't. But instead of being cowed by this and limiting our free speech, we have to realize that all they understand is the use of force. The thing to do is be relentless in pursuit of these monsters who justify their actions by using a so-called religion as their justification. Once captured, show them no more mercy than they showed their victims and since this is truly a war, military justice should be used. A firing squad comes to mind.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 8 months ago
      It may seem harsh, but I believe that they also need to wipe out the family members. This will not change until/unless the foundation of the Islamic religion changes. That is only going to happen when they recognize that they will cease to exist if they do not do so. That will take drastic measures. This is a war, not an issue of criminal behavior. War requires total destruction until capitulation. Unfortunately, our political leadership doesn't seem to understand that.
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 8 months ago
        Who needs to wipe out who's family members? That's what the Ismo-fascists do to their enemies. It won't change until they become more significantly rational, not just change their dogmas, and that can't be done by their realizing they or their family will cease to exist. You can't accomplish anything threatening a fanatical suicide bomber with non-existence. He lives for that, as long he does live.

        But you can't force someone to be rational. If they won't behave civilly then wipe them out to get rid of them in self defense, not to try to convince them -- when a war gets to that point it doesn't matter anymore what they think. If they don't capitulate then keep going until either they are gone or the only ones left in power have the sense to surrender.

        Our political leadership not only doesn't understand the nature of war, they don't understand and don't want to understand the ideological motives of the Islamo-fascists. But we don't go after them for their religion or their motives, we go after them to put an end to their actions. Their beliefs and whether or not they understand are and have to be up to them. But understanding their ideology and motives is necessary to understand who and what the enemy and the threat are and where it is coming from (and which ones are not the enemies in war).
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    • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 8 months ago
      Herb, the Paris bunch are already dead. Whom else do you want us to go after? Collective punishment? Guilt by association? Never presumed innocent?

      Ever consider the possibility that they are retaliating for atrocities we have committed against them (not cartoons--bombs and drones)? The hate-mongering and barbaric proposals on this thread are sickening.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
        Are you being an apologist for these "people?" Killing children by beheading, stoning women to death, decapitating reporters on TV for - no reason, killing people in the streets with an axe, with a gun, with a bomb. If you think you can reason with these animals, you might note that they have killed members of their own religion for not practicing it in the same way they do. I can find no reason to give these less-than-human creatures any consideration whatsoever. However, if your approach is used, I honestly believe it will be the end of Western Civilization and the start of a new Dark Ages.
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 8 months ago
        The "Paris bunch" is a lot bigger than the few perpetrators killed, this was not an isolated incident, and they made it very clear that they murdered the cartoonists and several others because of the cartoons about their religion. The Ron Paul apologetics with the left's hate America line isn't working.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 8 months ago
        If you are going to retaliate, you need to target those who conducted the actions. To my understanding, none of those in the magazine office or deli ever bombed anyone.
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        • Posted by ewv 9 years, 8 months ago
          No, they didn't. But in the world of the Islamo-fascists, bombing is routine and isn't the issue; blasphemous cartoons are far more serious.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 8 months ago
    now, if you offend me by cartooning about my
    favorite deity, I will celebrate your right to do so.
    (I might retch in private, but, still.......)
    there seems to be a cultural difference here. -- j

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    • Posted by $ Terraformer_One 9 years, 8 months ago
      Maybe reminding the mozlems about committing SHIRK [for us infidels/kuffar (non-believers) the worst offense is to worship FALSE idols].

      Isn't the hajj [compulsory pilgrimage to mekka] praying to a meteorite?
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 8 months ago
    Various comments:
    The religion of peace at work.
    Some Islamic sources have condemned the attack.
    The police officer killed was a Muslim.
    This, a few days after a big protest demonstration in Germany against the Islamization of Europe, followed by even bigger demonstrations against the first.
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  • Posted by hattrup 9 years, 8 months ago
    Perhaps Sunni and Shia could just be more aggressively turned toward each other - and kill themselves off. Get some good cartoons into each of their pubs/websites that make fun of each other.

    and get all our resources out of the presently doomed Middle East.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 8 months ago
    Maybe its time for an ultimatum. You keep your countrymen from waging war on us, or we will annex your country and fix it ourselves. That said, I don't think we have the gumption to do the first, and lack what is required to do the latter.

    Another example of religion getting in the way of freedom. Only different from the Inquisition in that the Church had government control, and here the church are guerrillas.
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