The Madness Of Queen Shanley (More Milo vs The Radfems!)
Drop dead pretty, drop dead psychotic, and hair-trigger ready to tell you to f*ing drop dead... there's Shanley Kane.
Shanley runs an online tech culture blog.
She is also known to make outrageous claims like (paraphasing some of this):
* The terms master and slave in hard disk or server configuration perpetuate white privilege
* Tech companies serve alcoholic beverages during meetings to facilitate rape
* F* you, you f*ing f*!
* Your face!
So, please meet the pretty face of third wave feminism that should send every Objectivist thinking, "Aw! Hell, no!"
Shanley runs an online tech culture blog.
She is also known to make outrageous claims like (paraphasing some of this):
* The terms master and slave in hard disk or server configuration perpetuate white privilege
* Tech companies serve alcoholic beverages during meetings to facilitate rape
* F* you, you f*ing f*!
* Your face!
So, please meet the pretty face of third wave feminism that should send every Objectivist thinking, "Aw! Hell, no!"
Somebody missed their nap...