Judge orders Wal-Mart to let a New York church challenge gun sales
Posted by jchristyatty 10 years, 2 months ago to Business
“On critical issues such as the sale of products that may threaten the safety or well-being of communities, corporate boards must exercise their oversight role to assure balance among customer, shareholder, and societal interests,”
SOURCE URL: http://for.tn/1pwzPRw
Neglecting that little piece of information, since any church being involved here is mostly irrelevant, why is a judge ordering them to allow shareholders to vote on this? Is it a requirement in their corporate organizing documents to allow such a vote? If not, tell the judge to piss off.
"To let?"
I have a problem with just that much.
Evidently neither the Judge, nor the plaintiff Church, have rationalized the difference, making the same mistake as the NYS Legislature before the NRA accidently corrected the NY Safe Act. There is a principle difference between Clips and Magazines, Magazines have feeder springs that insure a supply of ammunition to the breech, Clips do not have any springs and are unable to supply ammunition that is not stripped from them by the bolt. Even the semi-automatic shotguns have a tubular magazine with a big spring that ejects a round into the chamber when the bolt is positioned out of the way, this is why some weapons are prone to jamming because the chamber is large enough to allow double-feeding.
Their demands are vague enough to be dangerously misused.
If they want to help, get in schools and stop values clarification from undermining religion. Go into communities and help freed kids from the ravages of the drug culture. Focus on getting rights to practice Christianity without government interference back.
If they really want to protect communities go camp on the doorstep of network smut TV or the gansta record culture.
I'm also a gun-owner.
A shotgun and a Bible is beside my bed.
I have a pistol permit.
Obama thinks I'm quaint.
Then again, I would not be batting rocks with my tail. The trick is to turn off the electric fence, you see.
But then, you knew that.
I am dino.
Hear me roar!
As our 'own' Judge N put it in a video I just saw, 'when it comes to "balance," come down on the side of Freedom.'
Excellent example, here. Whose freedom gets trampled if that judge prevails, or the church or Wal-Mart shoppers?