Writestream Radio: Best Books of 2014
"Does your holiday shopping list include avid readers who happen to love the USA? Then tune into Writestream on Tuesday, December 2 at 1 p.m. Eastern when I’ll present the best books of 2014 including: Underlake – by Kia Heavey, Tears of Paradox by Daniella Bova, A Snobby Girl’s Guide to Dealing with Cancer by Maureen Miles Bucci, Codename: Winterborn by Declan Finn and Allan Yoskowitz, Steps To Salvation by Shlomo Attia, Amy Lynn by Jack July, Counteract by Tracy Lawson, By The Hands of Men: Book One, The Old Word by Roy M. Griffis, Regular Guy Syndrome by John Spencer Dale, Willing Accomplices by Kent Clizbe , and The Golden Pinnacle by Robert Gore."
It's ok, folks, she just hasn't read Pendulum of Justice yet. :) But Straight's book making the cut! Yes. Listen in as db and I will be talking about straight's book as well as Vinay's book, "The Frankenstein Candidate" and the new online lifestyle magazine which straight and many other gulchers contribute to-call in with your questions and check out these great liberty loving novels-the left does NOT get to control what we think good literature should be-
It's ok, folks, she just hasn't read Pendulum of Justice yet. :) But Straight's book making the cut! Yes. Listen in as db and I will be talking about straight's book as well as Vinay's book, "The Frankenstein Candidate" and the new online lifestyle magazine which straight and many other gulchers contribute to-call in with your questions and check out these great liberty loving novels-the left does NOT get to control what we think good literature should be-
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- 4Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 3 months agoGo straight (Robert Gore)Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 3 months agoThanks, everybody!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 3 months agoHOW THE HELL DID I MISS ALL OF THIS???Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months agostraight is on right now! if you want to listen in!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months agoI heard the end of his commentary. Cheers!Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|