
Posted by jillrhodes 11 years, 6 months ago to Movies
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We liked the cast in the First AS and were disappointed that it changed in the second. Now we are hoping there won"t be a third for AS 3. IN anyn case, we can hardly wait for 3. We are now watching, for a second and third time, the DVDs of 1 ad 2.

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  • Posted by trackman13 11 years, 6 months ago
    The ideas that these movies share are bigger than the people that play the roles. Unfortunately, money and often time careers get in the way of things. I would love to see Taylor revisit her role. Jason revisit Hank, Jsiu reprise his role as Franciso. Patrick was great at James. Galt will require someone with the physical prowess and the ability to deliver a scene like a Brad Pitt. However that would be like having the Anti Christ deliver the sermon at the local Baptist Church this coming Sunday.

    Moral of the store is. As long as it gets made and the message is true I'll be appreciative to John, Harmon, Scott, Big Jim and the countless others that have not been discouraged by the fiscal returns. Instead they focused on getting the message out.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 6 months ago
    Greetings jillrhodes,

    Welcome to the Gulch,

    Many have echoed your sentiments.
    Wouldn't it be great if the part 3 cast was a combination of the previous releases. Imagine a combination of the best. Naturally after one has adopted / integrated the initial cast into ones mind as the characters it is a bit disconcerting to find new ones in their place.
    The show must go on.

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    • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 6 months ago
      I see these films like a stage play. Some actors play Hamlet better than others, but the characters are the characters when the literature is so powerful. Ayn Rand's work is one of those things where no living actor can fully capture the way a reader interprits the information of such an epic novel. A play often captures the spirit of the work, but to get the full impact, the written work has to be read.

      I hope they can secure the same actors as part two, but I'm with O.A. It would be cool to blend the two a bit so that at some level things would merge together when all these films are shown together in a big 6 hour presentation. I am VERY excited!
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