Oil Ushers in the Depression
The future is now. The carnage in the oil sector, where a glut has knocked over a third off its price in less than five months, is not an aberration, but a harbinger—the shape of things to come across sectors and around the world. It kicks off the depression, or more accurately, the resumption of the depression that started in either 2000 or 2007 (let the statisticians quibble about that determination).
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This is an excerpt. The full article can be accessed via the link above.
Left to itself, markets usually get things right in the end. When government interferes, in the name of "fairness," "social justice" or any other sack-o-crap rationale, things never end well.
Reminds me of a conversation that I overheard back in the early '70's. A couple of my scoutmasters were talking at camp. One had the opinion that it was better for us to buy ME oil and keep ours in the ground. That way, when the foreign oil ran out, we'd still have ours to pump out. Seems to be some wisdom there.
I do like cheaper gasoline... the difference between micro and macro. One must not forget to look for the forest. I hope it is not a harbinger, but one must keep history in mind and be prepared just in case..