Jonathan Gruber: The Gift that Keeps on Giving...
Posted by IndianaGary 10 years, 2 months ago to Politics
Trey Gowdy on Fox News wit Greta:
"When you have an insomniac with Touret's Syndrome speaking, you don't interrupt him. ... I can't get past the irony to even get to the arrogance."
"When you have an insomniac with Touret's Syndrome speaking, you don't interrupt him. ... I can't get past the irony to even get to the arrogance."
After the Obama (re)election, I told Democrat friends, "Well you got what you wanted. Let's see in a couple of years if you really want what you got!"
I actually thought Romney was right to state what he said about the 47%. It was correct and there was no real evidence to the contrary. In fact there was evidence to back him up! Shame he got blasted for stating something true.
You make me think of a Rush song from Test for Echos.. Lyrics go:
Half the world hates, what half the world does every day
Half the world tries to be the other half.
not necessarily in that order! Great song though!
little personal sandbox -- issuing decrees controlling
our lives, in terms of food, housing, clothing, religion,
workplace characteristics and ethics, education,
oh well ... pretty much everything. . but they are
nearly there, now. . all that's left is sealing the deal.
obamacare controls how we live our lives, birth to death.
the epa controls businesses, soup to nuts.
the fed controls money. . devaluation at will.
p.c. controls religion -- try to pray in public!
if we don't feel like puppets, we will. -- j
I am hearing a lot of lip service but the proof is still in the putting.
Unfortunately, until a new, more rational President takes office this will be the best we can get. (...and that's "pudding", not "putting" although perhaps your version makes more sense)
But a repeal bill now would be just like an impeachment bill now -- dead on arrival.
1 Gowdy
1 Howdy
and 1 Goudy
You instructed from this date on to appreciate how mouse coward is the Edward Snowden of the Gulch just as Jonathan Gruber is a blathering god to foot-in-mouth Joe Biden.
Now before anyone gets all uppity over Snowden's shrug, keep in mind that superior authority hates a snitch just as much as an el corrupto Banana Republico, which it is.
Adios! And say buenos dias to the soon new and improved way, way huger (than the GOP) Democratico People's Party..
Psst! And we'll still cheat at the polls.