NASA wasting funds on politically based CO2 propaganda
Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 1 month ago to Politics
If anyone can find an explanation of this display thats understandable to a layman, please post it. My suspicion is that it shows a politically slanted view to force the irrational conclusion that anthropomorphic CO2 has a negative effect.
From a quick read I would not call it irrational, there is much discussion on how
natural forces affect amounts, movements and concentrations of carbon dioxide.
I do not see the reverse which would be the description and quantification of how it changes temperature, except for the obviously politically inserted statement- " atmospheric carbon dioxide – the key driver of global warming ". An easy way to guarantee the next grant. They do mention sources and destinations of carbon dioxide but do not mention how the figure put out by the IPCC for the average time that carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere is ten times greater than the figure found by all studies. This affects the climate models and is one reason why the predictions are so bad.
The key error is in assuming what has never been demonstrated by data, that for a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere global temperature increases by x degrees. x according to IPCC and acolytes is 3 to 6 degrees C, according to luke-warmers is less than one degree c, and, by a paper published by NASA (!) is slightly negative.
Conclusion- many government run and funded research entities have done excellent work, those days have gone.
This is a study on a politically charged topic. It would not have been funded without that political issue. The authors know that and they release it without any statement regarding how it affects the issue. Instead they use language to dance all around the issue and insinuate that 'key driver to global warming' which has not been proven in any study. An honest study would state exactly the cause and effect being studied and the existing evidence and the unknowns. These "scientist-looters" allude to how dangerous it is without stating the evidence in order to curry favor with the socialist looters that we, the people, are allowing to control our fate.