Politics ruin prom in CT-or Dems are A$$-holes
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 10 months ago to News
I saw this on the news last night, and could not understand how people could politicize a HS prom! The stupidity of people is growing exponentially! I think if their prom happens, they should hire the band 'Atlas Shrugged' to play!
The Michigan state motto is "Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice." (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.) Pay no attention to the cities behind the iron curtain...
We leave CT in April for 1 week to set our initial WY citizenship groundwork.
CT, and I would even say ALL of New England (despite claims from the NH Free State Project), is done.
Don't stick a fork in it, the moochers will tax it.
Very funny but true in a sad way.
Best of fortunes in WY.