further thoughts on real solutions from "McDonalds customers behaving badly"

Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
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The McDonalds post elicited great conversation - and got me to thinking about what really SHOULD be done in these cases.
a couple of notes from the post:

Some bitches need to get arrested

their bodies are those of a human, but their brains are that of a predator animal. They need to be trained like the animal they are in reality.

I wondered, if they were to be arrested, what then? It would certainly stop the immediate situation, but not come close to the root of it.
Training? Who does it? Who feeds them and cleans their cages? And what do we have after they're "trained"?
and my sentence: Make it clean, quick and over.

Seriously, we ARE seeing more and more of these incidents, which implies to me that there are more and more of these animals. Given that the fickle finger of fate will not reach down and make them disappear, what do we do?

As a beginning, quick as I am to say take them out behind the building and put them down, on what grounds? Moral grounds, certainly - the initiation of violence is clear. But that's me and Mr. Heckler and Mr. Koch, not me as a member of a law-abiding society. I will not undertake either their training or their incarceration - I am not suited for it.
But, sooner or later, it's going to be one of us in that McDonalds, gobsmacked and frightened. What then?
N.B. References to "Coming to America" are acceptable but not as a final answer.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
    Personally I say shut off the spigot of free everything for these degenerate ingrates and let them survive on their own ingenuity. I'm sick to death of feeding the beasts, literally!
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
      GREAT thought - me, too.
      and then, when they come to McDonalds to get breakfast and trash the place instead, does the Neighborhood Watch step in?
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
        Only peaceful PAYING (with yo owwwwn money) customers get served food.... the rest get served an arrest warrant for disorderly conduct, assault, disturbing the peace, and wearing hideous pants. (Yes, I put a comma before the word 'and'...arrest me. lol)
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 4 months ago
          Don't apologize about the comma. A list of more than two items deserves comma separation even if the last item is preceded with an "and". IMHO, it just looks creepy without it. I say "this and that", "this, that, and the other", and "whatever, whoever, however, and STFU if you don't like it" is the way to go. LOL!
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    • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 4 months ago
      you have it CORRECT. however, which of the scum in washington d.c. is brave enough to actually comment on these animals,? let alone try to get done what you suggest. when the macd's start shutting down where these incidents take place (which will not happen) and they no longer have a place to get food that might make a difference, wishful thinking on my part.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 4 months ago
    The "training" in the movie "A Clockwork Orange" comes to mind. However, in the movie, it didn't last. How about a large hunk of land set aside in Alaska, where they are given a monthly crate of supplies and left to beat up on one another?

    This makes me feel a bit creepy, but it also seems to feel right: Declare them to be non-human and euthanize them.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 4 months ago
      The land set aside has already been done. Except it's not in Alaska. It's called Detroit.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 4 months ago
        Hey! I'm originally from Detroit!
        Once upon a time it was a really great city.
        Unfortunately, you're right. Many years ago, Detroit's first black mayor, one Coleman Young told the people of Detroit that if they didn't like the way he was running things they could leave. He was actually talking mostly to the producers. Guess what? They did leave, in droves. From that point on you could see Detroit fall apart for the next 40 years. The amazing part was that the inherent structure that they had created was so strong that it took 40 years to completely crumble.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 4 months ago
      The land has value, and giving them free anything just exacerbates the problem. They likely already get too much given to them paid for on our dime... we'll lease them land in alaska, and if they can pay for their supplies, fine... otherwise, well, I understand you can make a club or bow and arrow out of caribou gut and bones...
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  • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 4 months ago
    They will be curbed and controlled; but not yet. These animals are bred as an instrument of attaining control. The natural state of human existence is to be controlled. This has always been the case, in all cultures and in all centuries. Normally, the species submits to it easily and willingly, bowing in obedience to the first strongman encountered. In this case, the US Constitution happens to be thorn that needs to be erased to allow the species to revert to their natural state. This, I believe, is the reason for the stone-by-stone dismantling of the culture that made the Constitution, as well as the Constitution itself. When that is accomplished, these animals will no longer be needed and will be promptly eliminated by the ruling strongman. This has been the case throughout history; just to give a few recent examples – Bolsheviks in Russia have ended individual lawlessness very quickly upon coming to power. Being late to your factory job was a state paid vacation in the GULAG throughout much of Stalin’s reign. Once Hitler enthroned himself, street violence ended and the Brownshirts were executed or purged. These “Ghetto-potamuses” will see a similar fate.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 4 months ago
      It's a mixed bag. A civilized republic can rise (or be wrenched out of) an uncivilized environment ruled by strongmen as well as crumble back into it. The trick is to identify the correct rules of being civilized and apply them. In your example, I'm sure Hitler and Stalin thought themselves to be quite civilized, but in fact they were not. Our republic grew stronger through its trials of history as long as the people learned from the experience and tried to do better. Within the new entitlement class, the people are no longer learning and are clueless as to what "doing better" actually is. They are selfish in the worst sense of the word and are prone to beast-like behavior when their feelings of need are not met. When their numbers reach a critical mass where their drain on the republics energy can no longer be satiated by those producing the energy, then your strongman state will return just as you say. God help us.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
        people who are left to their own industriousness voluntarily choose civilized behavior. It increases their chances of receiving value in associations and trade. Man only needs his property rights protected. The rest of the "rules" should be for what the government's limitations are.
        As far as the entitlement class goes, their behavior is pointedly self-less.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 4 months ago
          I'd go along with what you are saying if the first word of your first sentence was "many". I guess the definition of "industriousness" in this context needs to be spelled out. It has been my experience to observe too many people, when left to their own industriousness, become drug addicts, criminals, and "professional recipients". The "ladies" in this video certainly had the opportunity, left to their own industriousness, to behave in a civilized fashion (choose another menu item or go someplace else), but they chose not to. Their industry is looting and violence is one of their tools to achieve their goals.
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          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
            they are products of a statist society. When people see opportunity for themselves they build a good life. Not everyone, but the vast majority
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            • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
              I would agree. But there are always those who see the opportunity to take what they "need" from someone else who has it, and then act on that opportunity.
              A good thing which will appear out of this is that some number of people who were anti-self-defense will [if they live] change their minds.
              But there will, for some time, be successful "strongmen" who live by taking from others. Again, introducing them to Mr. Heckler and Mr. Koch will change that. But by their nature, strongmen [who can give out bread and circuses] attract their own brand of parasites, until you have to deal with a ....what's the collective noun for those who wish to survive by the use of force?
              Deal with them in ones and two, not 100's.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
      I disagree that is the case. In fact, I submit, man is trained from infancy to not trust their thoughts, reason and logic. Man's natural state is to live and thrive.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 10 years, 4 months ago
        Live, yes; thrive - that's a matter of opinion. Man's instinct is to be part of a group, thus individualism is suppressed. According to some studies and theories, the current species may not have been the most intelligent individually, but by grouping managed to kill off more intelligent but individually minded (or smaller group) species. There have always been a few fiercely individual specimens, but the majority of the species are sheeple. Even in America - why else would the middle class pay more to have more restrictions in HOA's?
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        • Posted by Flootus5 10 years, 4 months ago
          I am not sure that Man's instinct is to be part of a group in all circumstances. Sure, when survival is a function of group cooperation, both primitive and civilized. But the whole nature of the advancement of the human condition has ultimately been dependent on an individual innovating a new concept.

          I think I would point to the progression of thought process as laid out by Ayn Rand in Anthem as to why this is so. The ultimate basic building block that is the individual can never be negated by the collective. That is the fundamental problem with collectivism - that one of their premises is wrong - that there is no such thing as the individual.
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