this evening's weather report

Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Just FYI, the Wizard just this minute walked in from the airport and said it is -7 degrees F. In Colorado, that's beyond chilly and into REALLY QUITE COLD. and there's snow, too.

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  • Posted by professorbean1942 10 years, 4 months ago
    Actually, I have notice that Ole Al Gore is usually giving a speech somewhere on Global Warming threat exactly when "hell is freezing over." The buffoon has perfect weather timing.
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 4 months ago
    Global Warming be dammed. Down here on the Eastern Plains of New Mexico, it has been cold, 20's and teens. This morning I let my dogs out and the was about 1/2 inch of snow and still snowing. This is an area that since I have lived has not had a snow storm before December and it usually is less than trace of snow. Yes, I know snow, I grew up in Wisconsin where it snows in late September or early October and you do not seen green until the beginning or middle of May. I also lived in Colorado since I was 16 and on the Front Range you get storms coming off the mountains that will drop somewhere around 18 inches at a time. It sticks around for a couple of days, melts, freezes and causes multiple car accidents, then disappears down the gutter drain. We do not usually get that here.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 4 months ago
      When it rarely snows in Alabama, there are wrecks all over the place. But comrade citizen, don't you know that our more than equal elite betters switched from Global Warming to Climate Change so snow could also be all our fault?
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      • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 4 months ago
        You know what is really amazing is I remember back in the 80's, they were warning of the next ice age. They said temperatures were at all time lows back then. Some of these same groups now claim that those readings were wrong, they have said temperatures have been going up for decades. So, which is it? Don't they know that the earth has cycles, measured in decades and centuries, of weather changes going back to many, many centuries before mankind had any kind of input into the ecostructure.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 4 months ago
          Yeah, I remember in the late '70s and early '80s a TV series called "In Search Of", hosted by Leonard Nimoy, which had an episode proclaiming the oncoming man-made ice age. NY City was supposed to be under a sheet of glacier ice by the year 2000. I guess global warming cancelled the event.
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        • Posted by comsguy 10 years, 4 months ago
          Was just going to make the same comment but you beat me to it jimslag. I remember academic socialists were claiming humans were causing the next ice age my last few years of school 79-80.
          Socialists always defeat their arguements. It is never about confirmed science as they claim. It is always about how humans are destroying earth and why they need more control over all us cattle.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 4 months ago
          There was a hot dinosaur age. After the asteroid hit and there was a nuclear kinda winter, there followed an even hotter period that had the biggest gargantuan snake ever, or so I recently read on my PC.
          Then came the cold Ice Age or Ice Ages.. It may interest you to know that, when I was a school kid in the late 50s and early 60s, teachers spoke of a theory that we were not Out of a great Ice Age as yet. They said the ice sheets may be returning within the next few hundred years.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 4 months ago
    Weather's perfect in Florida.
    I attended a conference in Denver in February many years ago, and the temp. was well below zero. I was wearing a parka as two guys wearing only windbreakers picked me up in their car. I asked if they were nuts, it was 45 degrees below freezing. They told me it was a dry cold and didn't feel that bad. I told them, below zero doesn't feel cold? I'll keep my down-filled parka on, thank you very much.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 4 months ago
      I agree, that's cold. The important things you wouldn't know, coming in from Florida, are that you have to wear a hat, good boots, and gloves. You lose most heat through those extremities. I can be comfortable at 32degrees if I have my boots, a scarf and my rabbit-fur lined leather gloves.
      Our household rule, hammered out after years of [slight] discord, is that the Wizard has to wear a coat if it's under freezing because seeing him without a coat makes me feel cold! silly, but.....
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  • Posted by diessos 10 years, 4 months ago
    Many years ago I heard a Global Warming alarmist say that even though the US was in the middle of a cold snap... it was 100 degrees in Australia. So Global Warming was real. But it was the middle of Summer in Australia!
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  • Posted by samrigel 10 years, 4 months ago
    Wow and I was actually rooting for "Global Warming". Love the heat hate the cold and there should be a law that only allows snow at the North Pole and Antarctica!!.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
    Weather is not climate. If we have a thaw in January, it doesn't mean climate change did it. I'm confident there's a solution/workaround to climate change, but wishful thinking will not solve the problem.
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    • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 4 months ago
      Wishful thinking will not solve a problem that does not exist and man made climate change is a complete & udder hoaks. The climate has been changing since eternity and if all human activity stopped completely the climate would continue changing as it is currently without even a blip.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
        "if all human activity stopped completely the climate would continue changing as it is currently without even a blip."
        This is contrary to what the evidence so far overwhelmingly shows. It's pure wishful thinking from people who find the problem overwhelming or don't want to address it. We'd all *love* to learn we were wrong, like the idea that removing fat from food would make it more healthful. I'm very grateful the evidence is pointing away from that one. Maybe we'll luck out again. It will save huge amounts of wealth if so, a much bigger deal than my liking fatty foods.
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        • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 4 months ago
          You must not have seen all the evidence yet. The evidence that says humans are changing the climate has eliminated statistics to make its point. When all statistics are added in the info is wrong. I call that lying. Not like any one one with an agenda would do that, Obamacare. [Sarcasm] But really all one has to do is follow the money.

          If you care to study this subject order the documentary, "An Inconsistent Truth". It debunks much of global warming and provides data.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
            " all one has to do is follow the money"
            There are millions of dollars money aimed studying and dealing with climate change. There are tens of trillions of dollars of economic activity in some way associated with burning stuff and generating carbon emissions. So if we ignore the science and follow the money, we start to wonder just how extreme the problem is.

            I actually don't thing the problem is more extreme than known. I think we know the cycle of glacial maxima and minimum which has been going on for a million years will affect humans, but it's hard to calculate the exact cost of every time we burn something. I reject associating it with whatever political controversy of the day. It's a longer term problem, but I suspect it will be solved, maybe in my lifetime. I feel like human progress has accellerated and will keep accelerating (if we can resist the urge to overregulate and micromanage people's lives and the economy), and we will nail this.
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            • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 4 months ago
              If we quit burning things we will all be dead.
              What you have just said contradicts itself. There is no way to stop burning things without regulation and regulation will hurt the economy for a problem that does not exist. If this problem did exist the very people that are pushing the agenda would need to be the first people to be forced out of the 10000 square foot homes to live like the rest of us.

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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                "What you have just said contradicts itself. There is no way to stop burning things without regulation and regulation will hurt the economy"
                Sometimes the truth is exactly opposite from what I wish. It's only a contradiction if I said, "and this issue happens to work out favorably for human interests". Fortunately, I'm very confident in human ingenuity to solve problems. I think we'll find away to keep burning stuff and stop or mitigate the ill effects of doing it. We need to to support billions of humans living plush lives. I'm confident we will.
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