Obama: Armed and Dangerous by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC
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Democrats are the crew of Obama’s sinking ship for the next twenty-six months and he has nothing but scorn for their plight. Unless one counts sycophants and Hollywood celebrities, he hasn’t got a lot of friends. The presidency in good times is a tough gig; what if financial markets and the economy were to nosedive or more of the world’s hot spots erupted? Obama could be the Democrats’ Herbert Hoover, a politician who dooms his party not just for an election, but for a generation. You can bet they see the possibility and knives are already coming out.
Democrats are the crew of Obama’s sinking ship for the next twenty-six months and he has nothing but scorn for their plight. Unless one counts sycophants and Hollywood celebrities, he hasn’t got a lot of friends. The presidency in good times is a tough gig; what if financial markets and the economy were to nosedive or more of the world’s hot spots erupted? Obama could be the Democrats’ Herbert Hoover, a politician who dooms his party not just for an election, but for a generation. You can bet they see the possibility and knives are already coming out.
They paid people to take old cars and run them with something in the oil to tear up the engine. I'll never forget that one b/c purposely trashing working machines goes against everything I believe in.