My brother told me this morning that Issa said each document is a separate file and the must all be opened individually. About as mature and removing the W's from the keyboard. Asshats!
The party - and reign of roughshod violation of the American People and laws by the moocherist slime - is soon over. They're trying to do last minute damage control before the axe starts falling.
Seriously, did you expect them to do any different? Well... had they somehow not lost the Senate, they would have continued to try to snuffle it until ol' Potus could issue his pardons... but now, they have no shield to hide behind.
Seriously, did you expect them to do any different? Well... had they somehow not lost the Senate, they would have continued to try to snuffle it until ol' Potus could issue his pardons... but now, they have no shield to hide behind.