You will likely find many opposed to your values here. Do not give up hope. There are quite a few here who believe that there is no conflict between an Objectivist perspective and a belief in God. There will be several that say that this is not possible, but you will find that there are those of us here that don't ascribe to such beliefs and support a deist view of Objectivism. Welcome.
No. You'll find that there are those here who are rabid atheists (in the mold of AR). Many, even most, will be accepting of your personal perspectives.
While I find it necessary to clarify the understanding of the history and theocracy that many have misconstrued, it is best to keep to ideas that are concrete and not based on faith. Thus, physics, economics, and politics are areas that have the best reception here.
Ah, but you know that there are some here who will try to intimidate those with other perspectives. Of course, there are none here who will intimidate me, but they might do so to others, particularly newbies.
No one is trying to intimidate you. Belief in the supernatural is fundamentally opposed to Ayn Rand's philosophy and so are religious ethics of duty and sacrifice. Those who don't understand that do not know enough to "making claims of having some version of Ayn Rand's ideas allegedly "compatible" with them.
Religion is a primitive form of philosophy and can be discussed as such like any other philosophy, including honest questions. But while you can believe what you want, this is not a place to proselytize for ideologies opposed to Ayn Rand while insulting Ayn Rand and those who agree with her as "rabid" and "trolls". This is not a site for religious dogma and condemnations of those who reject it.
Hi Cody, I too am a Christian (Catholic) and have just joined the group. Much like everything in life you may agree with someone in part rather than in the whole. That's what makes for interesting conversation.
You will likely find many opposed to your values here. Do not give up hope. There are quite a few here who believe that there is no conflict between an Objectivist perspective and a belief in God. There will be several that say that this is not possible, but you will find that there are those of us here that don't ascribe to such beliefs and support a deist view of Objectivism. Welcome.
we welcome you and be prepared for vigorous debate!
You two voting in CO?
While I find it necessary to clarify the understanding of the history and theocracy that many have misconstrued, it is best to keep to ideas that are concrete and not based on faith. Thus, physics, economics, and politics are areas that have the best reception here.
Religion is a primitive form of philosophy and can be discussed as such like any other philosophy, including honest questions. But while you can believe what you want, this is not a place to proselytize for ideologies opposed to Ayn Rand while insulting Ayn Rand and those who agree with her as "rabid" and "trolls". This is not a site for religious dogma and condemnations of those who reject it.
I too am a Christian (Catholic) and have just joined the group. Much like everything in life you may agree with someone in part rather than in the whole. That's what makes for interesting conversation.