Fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 says IPCC

Posted by Chyrol 9 years, 11 months ago to Science
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Climate change is a fact, not fiction. If in doubt, check your premises.

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 11 months ago
    Facts- no global warming for 15 - 18 years. Even then data series have been manipulated. They call it a pause which cannot be explained, but it is a plateau as changes in solar radiation influence earth's climate, Antarctic ice extent is increasing, Arctic ice greater than last year, severe weather events are actually declining eg hurricanes, oceans are not acidic so are not getting more acidic they are alkaline, more carbon dioxide is beneficial to animal life (incl. humans) and has a slight cooling effect, the so-called missing heat that has gone directly to the deep ocean has not been detected even there and in fact does not exist, all (yes all) the climate models based on heat being transferred from cool CO2 to warmer surface -the so called greenhouse effect- have been completely falsified by data - they have no predictive capability, a major error by IPCC is in assuming that CO2 remains for 100 years whereas all the studies put the life at 5 to 10 years, CO2 does not drive global temperature but follows it -it dissolves out of sea water as temperature increases- the lag is 800 years, ..etc.etc.
    Disclaimer- the above was not funded by big coal or big tobacco, however the writer has paid tax which world wide has paid for climate change propaganda to the extent of umpteen billions of dollars.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
    Climate change is a natural process and has always been ongoing.

    The fight is over whether or not humans have a dominant or even significant effect on that process.

    Pick your side
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 11 months ago
    Everyone knows that, but how the difficult question is how to deal with it. It's a complicated question to calculate the cost of climate change and then calculate how much of that is anthropogenic. It would keep happening even if humans stopped burning stuff altogether, unless we're at a natural glacial minimum. This is a tough nut to crack.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 11 months ago
      There is nothing that humans can do to stop climate from changing. This is not about climate. It's about power. The IPCC were exposed on "global warming" as lying con artists. They just changed the name of the con.
      The only nut to crack is to punish the con artists.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
        "There is nothing that humans can do to stop climate from changing"
        I don't see what we can do now, but usually when people say there's nothing we can do make XYZ happen, engineers find a way to do it.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 10 months ago
          The "scientists" haven't proven they can predict squat. Wasting enormous resources on fixing climate change is idiocy unless the science can reliably predict what the climate change will be.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
            "Wasting enormous resources on fixing climate change is idiocy unless the science can reliably predict what the climate change will be"
            If we see some climatological feature that creates value for us and we can make it happen, it doesn't matter how accurately we could model what would happen without the intervention. _Probably_ we develop better predictive models first b/c we don't want to dick around without understanding the system really well.

            I don't foresee an effort to fix the climate at one point in time. It's always been changing, and I don't see value in stopping it, except perhaps stopping particular processes. I just can't imagine a future in which we realize we can drive the climate with our emissions and then don't find a way to use that ability profitably. I think it's coming in the next 100 years.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 10 months ago
              Up to this point the "predictive" climate models are not able to predict with any accuracy. Scientific method is based upon being able to successfully reproduce results of experiments. Without that ability, the IPCC is perverting science to justify unsupportable conclusions and purposely creating fear in order to transfer power and wealth from individuals to themselves, just as rulers did with their tales of the divine right of kings. Smoke and mirrors.
              Is it possible that control of climate may come in the future? Perhaps, but it won't come from lies told by politicians running the IPCC. If you have articles to support your beliefs in the future you imagine, please post them in a separate thread. I'd love to read and discuss them.
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