When and why do men initiate force?

Posted by Wonky 10 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
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Pure inquiry here. I just want to hear some opinions. My apologies if this topic is explored in another post.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
    When they want CONTROL.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
      Hello again!

      What prompts men to want control?
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
        To feel powerful. I think it stems from feeling powerless in their own lives at some point and some how it gets skewed into having power over others instead of focusing on having power within themselves and harnessing that and accomplishing things in their own lives for themselves. At some point they learn people can be manipulated through a variety of means...and they like doing it and they get addicted to that feeling of controlling others...by any means necessary....they don't care that it's evil to use force or manipulation, they are convinced they know best, their wants, needs and desires come first and others must comply. And there's only one way to stop them. If you compare Ted Bundy and Hitler...those are the underpinnings. EVIL.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
          So would you say that Jim Taggart was consciously or unconsciously trying to feel powerful? If so, is there a difference?

          What is the one way to stop them? On a personal level, total "indifference" would be my best answer (at present), but I'm interested in yours.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
            James Taggart was a yes man who despised himself, but didn't have the nads to stand up to the people he was yessing to to change anything...he was weak and hated it, and hated Cherryl for believing in him (because it wasn't HIM she believed in, but a myth instead...he had taken all the cred for Dagny's work)... He saw Cherryl as being beneath him and having to be beholden to him so he thought he could abuse her and get away with it. He used her that way. Evil, but not control over tons of people evil...he was a tyrant to one person temporarily...and a pain in the ass to everyone else...and a weaked kneed nobody to himself...those types usually end up doing themselves in one way or another. Ted Bundy killed dozens and got away with it for years and years because he had convinced everyone (almost everyone) that he was a nice guy....charming by all accounts, that's how he got his victims to comply, charm. His kind, along with Tyrants who have gained control over millions (dictators) can only be stopped one way.....death. ;)
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
        Being bossy sometimes gets the results you want to happen. Some woman the other day had to tell db where to put his eggs in the cart. The next day some other woman was on me for leaving my dog momentarily in the car. It 's a supreme arrogance and borders on personality disorder. Those people exerting it tend to be drawn to public life. But people in the private sector do it as well. They must have their ideal view of the world-sometimes at any cost.
        Then there are others with a God complex who thrive on power. In a confrontation they will win with their power play which they get off on. I put many law enforcement officiers in this category. No one chooses to be a state trooper without
        somewhat being attracted to that aspect. Some are plain anti -human. They believe that man is not good but prone to evil, and so Man must be chained for his own good. Those are the worst. Shudder
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 4 months ago
    I think it's because they want their own way, and they want it REALLY BADLY. There is also a component that the way they want is the right and good way - not just for a single person, mind you, but for all people.
    When other people don't fall into line, agree that it is the right and good way, begin to do it that way, and start working on convincing others, the original source will sometimes try convincing the non-complyers using positive and negative methods: arguments, rewards, penalties. At this point, I thin the original source is still convinced that his way is best, and he just has to find the right method of convincing others. Somewhere in there, he stumbles on/has suggested to him/ thinks up the use of force.
    Surely, he thinks, once people are forced to do the right thing, they will realize the validity of his point and come to it willingly - then, he can stop forcing them to it.
    But there is always some number of contrarians who don't want to do anything someone else has suggested, or some thoughtful people who see the proposed action as, bluntly, dumb [typo: dung] and some who just want to be left alone. And then there are the children of both those who comply and those who do not, who have their own opinion and "have" to be convinced.
    It never ends, so the force can never end, just because some guy wants his own way and is willing to go all out to get it, and get everyone to agree with him, too.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
    This is why Khan from the original Star Trek series was a such a great villain. He was smarter and stronger than most people, so he believed he should be in charge and was doing the world a favor by leading them. This led him to brutal acts of force, all the while thinking he was offering the world a chance to accomplish great things under his leadership.
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