Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 4 months ago to Government
I've been out a while. This article got my attention. A bit lengthy, but well worth the time to read. You won't find this kind of thinking anywhere in the MSM. I really appreciate the following sentence in the article: "I can think of no rationale for government involvement in the treatment of an Ebola outbreak. If it is not pure incompetence on their part that has exacerbated the threat, then even worse, it is a deliberate program of genocide."
How many of the elite have their $$ tied up in pharmaceutical companies? I'd like to know, but the MSM will never investigate that.
How many of the elite have their $$ tied up in pharmaceutical companies? I'd like to know, but the MSM will never investigate that.
They really don't appear to have any action plans in place for such an occurrence. You would think, especially in high population areas such as cities, a protocol would have been in place long ago. It appears that they, and the population at large, are SOL.
The general public are just a bunch of useless eaters, so thinning the herd might be the agenda.
And in the executive branch, both party heads (dem & repub) are owned by the CFR, as has been since FDR. Again, nothing in official government is really accountable to "the people". It's absolutely disgusting.