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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 4 months ago
    Bawahaha. The writer suggest First Lady Obama shouldn’t look at Illinois because it’s a political cesspool?!
    Where the heck has this writer been the last six years? She probably has a nice ole bathing suit for just that kinda pool.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 4 months ago
      She's been a fully contributing member to make that a cesspool. Evidently she and VJ are the only two individuals that O uses for advice.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 4 months ago
    I am horrified by this! Although its California they're talking about. They'll love her until she goes after the wineries, and mandates a one glass of wine at dinner once a week, with a lettuce leaf and tablespoon of quinoa. Mmm!
    Can anyone just put some TNT along the San Andreas fault and get rid of her and all the other mandate happy sycophants?
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
    I have only read a few things about her, but she gives off the appearance of being a good and intelligent person. I would be biased toward her b/c I liked Obama, as mainstream candidates go. I wonder if this will become a trend, people running for president after their spouse as served.
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 4 months ago
      If you're serious, I'm seriously worried about you now... If you're not serious, please us <ironic> or <cynical> font, ok?

      I find it hard to imagine anyone who's not an O-Kool-Aid drinker ever wanting trash like her in office. Yes, she would fit in well in Illinois or California... because IL is corrupt from top to bottom and CA is stupid from top to bottom.

      Would you like Hillary in the WH in a few years? I'm betting that the US electorate is stupid enough to make THAT happen, too!

      [so, ask me how I REALLY feel about her?]
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      • -3
        Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
        I do think President Obama is good as mainstream politicians go. I think Hillary Clinton is fine, but I'm less positive toward her. She comes off in the media as a ruthless politician. I've never met either one. My wife's a big fan of Hillary. We met her daughter a few years ago, but I didn't interact with her much. My wife has an employee who got Hillary to sign her book. . I think there will be Hillary-related events in our future. The Clinton's seem like hard-core politicians to me. My wife, who lived in DC and worked at a law firm there many years ago, says you have to be a hardcore politician there. Maybe we'll have a chance to get involved and reduce gov't intrusiveness in some way. I think if Hillary runs, somehow we'll be involved in some very tiny way and will try to be a positive influence, even thought I'm less into politics and Hillary. If she turns out to be as ruthless as I imagine, I'll still try to have a positive influence for liberty and not act childish and self-righteous about it.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
          Your last phrase is odd. Who acts childish about liberty? Hilary was just speaking at án event. She said businesses don 't create jobs. Are you personally happy with how ACA has been working out? How can you on one hand support liberty and on the other support a political party that embraces large government?
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          • -2
            Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
            "Who acts childish about liberty? Hilary was just speaking at án event."
            Are you kidding? Hillary is like Kryptonite for Republicans' brains
            ¿án? ¿Teclado mexicano? :)

            "She said businesses don 't create jobs."
            Yeah, that's nuts.

            "Are you personally happy with how ACA has been working out?"
            Yes. It's supposed to spread the risk better than the "system" we had before. All those sick people are going to sign up, and premiums increase. It's far from perfect, but it's doing exactly what it was supposed to do-- keeping people from freeloading medical care and spreading the risk of getting sick even to people who already have been sick. It's working as expected, expect for those who expected those sick people to get treatment w/o anyone paying.

            "How can you on one hand support liberty and on the other support a political party that embraces large government? "
            Both mainstream parties support large intrusive gov't, so anyone supporting mainstream candidates at least indirectly supports a party that embraces large gov't. The other option is to to follow the corporate media and think about how $hitty life is and how any prosperity people create for one another is some kind of illusion.

            It's obviously a huge problems that "factions" (parties) formed and even worse that both support a large intrusive gov't. Now anyone who supports a mainstream candidate "supports a party that embraces large gov't."
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            • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 4 months ago
              Obamacare IS FREELOADING medial care! Don't you understand, that because it's a TAX that it is siphoned off of your earned income to support people who can't or won't support themselves?? Why is it that I HAVE to pay for it, and why is it that I am penalized for having great coverage already?!

              All the progressives want to do is take, whether by stealth or overtly, what ISN'T THEIRS TO TAKE!!
              The First Lady hag M is attempting to micromanage people's lives. She is so out of her depth, and so far removed from what liberty and free will are, which the country was founded on, and I cannot fathom how ANY RATIONAL PERSON would possibly wish her in any office where she has a say in any form of governance.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                "Obamacare IS FREELOADING medial care! "
                We had a "system" of freeloading medical care before. ACA has its organized freeloading element. It's not perfect.
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                • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
                  you support having a gun put to your head to buy a PRIVATE product. Everything you've practically said on this post is not the remotest capitalist. It's all straight up socialist philosophy. The opposite of Objectivism and Ayn Rand's ideas. Teh exact opposite. show me the liberty in ACA.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                    "you support having a gun put to your head to buy a PRIVATE product."
                    It's almost no different from medical care subsidizing the poor and irresponsible, except in this case people pay their own way instead of making some other buyer of medical services pay.
                    If you're comparing it to a hypothetical system in which people who fail to plan for needing medical care just don't get medical care, that's a different question. I've never lived under such a system. All my life someone had to pay for the irresponsible. Now we're trying to make people pay their own way.
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 4 months ago
                      Bull shit. Making people buy a product they don't want or need is immoral. Insurance is a primary cause of high medical costs and forcing everyone to buy such insurance just makes the cost higher. Insurance does not include "health" care to cure the underlying causes of sickness or for illness prevention. That is the economical approach but it doesn't make pharma companies or insurance companies profits. Insurance does not respond to my needs; it just insures that there will be higher costs and very narrow guidelines for treatment. The tail is wagging the dog and I refuse to be forced to be part of the problem against my will.
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                    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
                      yes, it's different. it was my choice. I got to decide if the cost was worth, I have no choice. I do not even live in the country. I do not use US healthcare. thanks, CG. also, thanks for the recent push against patents, also supported by the administration you voted for and admire. Your thinking has cost me many liberties. you actively worked for those liberties to be taken away. I do not think of you and will no longer respond to your comments or posts.
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                • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 4 months ago
                  CG, sorry I've been out of town for the past few days...
                  The ACA was 'sold' to Americans as a cost-saver. Undeniably so. And anyone who's dumb enough to believe that adding thousands or millions of MORE consumers into a system can, in any way, IMMEDIATELY lower overall costs for the delivery and insurance parts of that marketplace is, well... in some kind of reality distortion field. The universe doesn't EVER work that way.

                  But it was rarely, if ever, sold or described as a 'long term savings' in terms of getting a ton of people locked out of the system to GET to medical facilities so that, in the LONGER run, they can get better care and cost themselves and the entire system LESS by getting and staying healthier!

                  And the mainscream media never raised a flag or a voice to try to change misunderstandings like that.

                  It was a cluster-fk of misinformation and misunderstanding and mis-set expectations.

                  And by the time any real numbers surface, most of the creators of the debacle will have someone else in office to pin the blame on.

                  And it's not just the red or blue side... BOTH/EACH 'team' lies regularly but never takes any blame or responsibility for their actions or mistakes. VERY UN-Gulchy, y'know?
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