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  • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 11 months ago
    Besides being tired of the liberal-acedemia salivating on the inappropriate sex habits of our founding fathers, that’s five minutes of my life I can’t get back.
    What a liberal douchebag!
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  • Posted by Zero 9 years, 11 months ago
    I proudly tell people that as an Objectivist, I cannot be a racist - by DEFINITION. Racism is the lowest form of collectivist thought and the hallmark of a small mind.

    Then I prove it by living it.
    (I wasn't raised racist. I got lucky.)
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 9 years, 11 months ago
    "Hatred of the good for being the good." The article was essentially the continuous self-aggrandizing conceit of a prattling three-year-old.
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  • Posted by lmarrott 9 years, 11 months ago
    I read this yesterday and thought it was pathetic. He makes a tremendous amount of assumptions and stereotypes while trying to say these people are representing white privilege.

    I get the Medium emails and I find they are mostly very left biased. Disappointing really.
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  • Posted by Sextant 9 years, 11 months ago
    What Mr. Cohen does not understand is that "White Privileged" is NOT for whites only. Whites, like myself, want to give it to all who will receive it. White privilege is the knowledge that hard work, delayed gratification, imagination, etc. are available to anyone who wants to work for that privilege.
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    • Posted by DeadRight 9 years, 11 months ago
      Nailed it.
      Others use there race or "the system" was built by "whitey" before I arrived, and I would be productive if it were built more around my special needs.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 11 months ago
    A fascinating study in meme engineering. Mr. Cohen's disgusting and distorted essay of hate-mongering against well-off white people is primarily an attack on capitalism. Through concept pollution and sexual symbolism he also seeks to perpetuate insults against both men and women based in male envy that sees power and privilege defined primarily as sexual success. So women's methods of cleanliness are belittled because they thereby remove male deposits? So douchebag is a suitable insult but bidets are exempt?

    The power of sexual imagery comes from the double standard that for men to succeed in gaining entrance into a woman is a sign of superiority and dominance, but for women to be so used is degrading and even punishable by death in some cultures. Mr. Cohen's rant is a throwback to the Dark Ages, a tutorial for trolls. We don't need more racist and sexist slurs in our language. We need reason and respect.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 9 years, 11 months ago
    I read through most of it waiting for some interesting revelation or point. Eventually the left-wing false assumptions became too great to make any sense at all.

    He adds to the false assumption of "White Privilege" by somehow concluding that all whites have privilege because they are seen as individuals whereas blacks and Latino are lumped together as a race.

    But a Rich white person can be lumped together as douche bags. Then he lists who he considers a douche bag... and what do you know, they are the 1%a and the Republicans.

    More left-wing illogical bullshit from... yes, a douche bag.
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  • Posted by JeffG 9 years, 11 months ago
    I feel so guilty! I'm white and I work for my own money... well, half of it. The non-workers get half. Wonder if this clown knows he has a self-refuting argument - you won't be racist if you are racist against white-working-male-conservatives.
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  • Posted by $ KahnQuest 9 years, 11 months ago
    When describing himself he forgot to add, "who is irrelevant and so will be increasing his volume in a vain, desperate attempt to seem relevant. Y'know, like labor unions."
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  • Posted by jpellone 9 years, 11 months ago
    This article was the longest diatribe of crap I ever read (well, part of it anyways). I could not finish it. I had to stop when it said Romney was a douchebag but Biden wasn't!!! As far as the Michael Brown part, the evidence that came out today proves that he was not killed in cold blood by a white cop just killing another black man.

    Why are there not riots when a black cop guns down a white man???
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    • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 11 months ago
      Interesting question, jpellone. Been questioning that one for some time. The answer is that it serves no purpose of politics to riot over it. Whites are not a minority being supported by a majority. Thus, no profit of any kind to be gained by propagandizing the act. Just my take.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
    I was fairly well in tune with the essay until he got to the section on "Douchebag Politics," that's where he lost me. I totally disagree with his assessments.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 9 years, 11 months ago
    For someone to be a racist, they have to first be a collectivist, have to ascribe certain characteristics to individuals based on their collective genetics, to their collective "class," to their collective station in life.

    The word "prejudice" stems from "pre judge." Prejudging is irrational, by definition, especially when the prejudgment stems from or focues on an awareness of color or ethnicity, etc.

    A rational person judges persons on behaviors, those "actions" that lead to consequences. If there are no actions from which to draw conclusions, there cannot be a rational judgment made about a person. A black person walking down the street cannot be judge as a nigger unless the judging person is a collectivist that ascribes nigger to all blacks. That is not rational.

    I call people names based on their behaviors and judge their behaviors based on the consequences. Good consequences, good names. Bad consequences, bad names. WHAT people DO is the determining factor, nothing else.
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  • Posted by lolaroja 9 years, 11 months ago
    come on!!! take a few facts, throw in an unhealthy mix of forbidden fruit, and voila! i suggest the author take a mental douche (please don't use lysol)
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  • Posted by rbunce 9 years, 11 months ago
    There are no races in our species. Race is a social construct created by social scientists to support their issue advocacy once the science was clear that there are no races in our species. Racism exists because some people still believe that there are races in our species and that some non existent races are inferior/superior to other non existent races.
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    • Posted by NealS 9 years, 11 months ago
      I feel that our current federal administration (especially Holder) has done more than anyone, even more than Al Sharpton, to insure that racism exists and grows stronger in this country. It even feels to me that they have tried to push buttons to try to get the people to riot. I often wonder if this is their intent or just an error in their method.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 11 months ago
        race-baiting is an industry among these new leftists,
        it seems to me -- it's exactly parallel to the KKK
        theme decades ago, that all non-whites are bad.
        in the new situation, all whites are bad. -- j

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