Why doesn't anything like this ever happen to me??? And that there is only one other like it, and it's in The British Museum, no less! Crazy!! I knew someone who was digging around a second hand shop and found a Modigliani pencil drawing. He bought it for $2.00!
That was enticing... not. You know what I just discovered? Seagram's Jamaica Me Happy wine coolers. They're yummy! (Bye Bye Boonesfarm.) Ah...I think ya got some on yer shirt..there.
I do NOT know where to even start with this post. If it was a run-on sentence, I would at least add it to sentence of the day, which is productive. I am laughing so hard. thank goodness only white wine is spritzing out my nostrils
that is amazing. Ill bet that happens to LS all the time thrifting. :) hey, Eskslo, go check out my post on Hayek-I think you'll like the blog and you both have something in common
I once bought a Swarovski crystal bear for 2 bucks...sold it for 600.00.... and an old Madeline book for a dime and sold it for 156.00. (Got 'em both at garage sales though, not a a thrift store...)
The bear wasn't little. lol (And the nick nack thing is lost on me as well. If it's not handmade by someone I love I have no desire to put it on display...same with wall art. Lucky for me my Mom and Grandma are/were artists. I do have a thing for old photographs of ancestors though.)
I know. photos are not knick knacks. crystal bears mean glass shelves which are ugly, mean shelves and bears dusted weekly, mean no little kids running through the house (you're allowed to run through my house), mean all of a sudden people think you like bears and so you get 1000 different bears, when really you liked crystal or vice versa. knick knacks set precedents. there oughta be a law
Exactly! Dusting bla. One person's junk is another man's treasure...(and I smile all the way to the bank). You can run through my house too...and flail your arms...and jump up and down.... just don't squeal. (Are we offending all the nic nac patty wackers in here?)
YOU are a handful. (I noticed it...chose to ignore it rather than give kudos and then kh goes and blurts it out. Yes...I hand out tests (so sick of testing!)...and yours ARE more fun...mainly because they don't involve phonemic segmentation though.
Not a clue. I looked at the words and thought I knew what they mean separately... I looked it up also and wondered if I was smarter than a kindergartner... :)
I an not a knick knack tchotchke person either. If I do buy something, it's because it's a handmade piece, I can use it, and if its from someplace special I've been to. Like a beautiful carnival mask I bought in Venice, which is hanging in my living room.
I am laughing so hard. thank goodness only white wine is spritzing out my nostrils
hey, Eskslo, go check out my post on Hayek-I think you'll like the blog and you both have something in common
I get the Madeline book, though
knick knacks set precedents. there oughta be a law
But then again, This old man never played one...
and I had to look them up. did you know there's phonemic segmentation awareness?