This is so dangerous, there needs to be Train Control legislation. Trains are too dangerous! If that train had not existed the problem would never have happened!
OMG stealing a train, wanting to hit something with it to see what it was like... Laughing hard! Good grief, though, really. It's not like he could evade anyone... It's a train confined to tracks! Lol, and his comments about the people working on the tracks...
The gist was a guy threw a temper tantrum with a train. His actions and his comments to the police afterwards are (at least to me) freakin' hysterical.
I experienced the same, but when I scrolled down below the sign up menu, there were links to articles. I clicked on this one, and it opened right up. No sign up necessary. :-)
I hate to be the word police on the article, but for gods sake, that word butcher, er, alleged reporter must have gone through the Common Core School of Advanced Journalism... Yeech. Damned difficult to read!
Having gotten that off my chest... the idiot child (Oh, wait, he was a "Utility Coal Operation"... hell, the writing in this article is so awful it's making me laugh so hard I'm crying! ) sounds like some of the spoiled self-entitled people I see applying for jobs all the time. "I wanted to see what hitting something was like so I hit it". Makes me sad that that s what we're leaving behind as our legacy.
What was his beef? Why was he upset with Rail Link, or was it the mine? I was laughing at the 'not an Apple fan part, and he wanted to see what it was like to hit something.
A petulant child with a train!
His comments about Apple.
His comments about the track workers.
His challenging his supervisor to "play chicken".
Holy crap!
His actions and his comments to the police afterwards are (at least to me) freakin' hysterical.
I didn't have to login or sign up.
Having gotten that off my chest... the idiot child (Oh, wait, he was a "Utility Coal Operation"... hell, the writing in this article is so awful it's making me laugh so hard I'm crying! ) sounds like some of the spoiled self-entitled people I see applying for jobs all the time. "I wanted to see what hitting something was like so I hit it". Makes me sad that that s what we're leaving behind as our legacy.
What was his beef? Why was he upset with Rail Link, or was it the mine? I was laughing at the 'not an Apple fan part, and he wanted to see what it was like to hit something.
I'll have to go visit and see.
I'll have to check.
Free State Wyoming is a candidate for our next place to move to if politics continue in their current direction.