It Happened again. Voters in Milwaukee leave as Obama speaks
Posted by mdk2608 10 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
Some people may be figuring out Obama is like the Wizard behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz--- Cheap theatrics and no substance
"People are stupid they will believe a lie because they want it to be true; or they are afraid it's true."
Terry Goodkind
But I immediately had second thoughts, when he asked the following questions - and he ended up not taking the revolver (for which I am grateful)...
(1) How does he get his firearm owner's license, and how much do these cost? If he gets a second one, does he need a second license, or do they amend the one he has for a fee?
(Me - you don't need a license - it's your right to keep and bear arms. him - But you have to have a license and permission from the authorities to own a gun, right? Me - Are you a felon? Deranged? Been in a mental institution? Him - Of course not. Me - Then you're good to go. Him - Well, what about the owners license then? Me - Arrghhh... )
(2)Since everyone knows it's illegal to keep guns in homes, will gun ranges store them for me for a fee, or does my local Police Department do that for me? And what hours am I allowed to use it?
(Me - "Huh? Where did you get these ideas??" Him - "From school, and all my friends - everyone knows this." me - "You need new friends.". )
(3) Do I have to go to your local police department to register it right now, or can it wait until I get back to my home tomorrow so I can do it at my local police station?
(me - never mind, you know how I answered...)
Any wonder why this nation is going down the red road of serfdom?
All I can do is hold out hope it changes. All 3 of my kids are showing this same inidiotination, which really scares me. I know, the older generation ALWAYS says this about the younger... but this is the first time I can see those fears being well founded.
Wow quite a story.
In my state one must have a purchase permit, register all hand guns, be thumb-printed and have your registration with you when you carry. CCWs require a different permit. Long guns have no such restriction except you must be 18 years of age and have no criminal record to purchase.
And I thought Kalifunny was bad. Yeesh!!!
The thing is... even WHEN I was a left-wing whacko, I still never forgot our constitution, our rights, and my deep admiration for it. A former friend once asserted vehemently that if were within her power, she would turn in all gun owners to the police to have their guns confiscated because no one should own those dangerous things...