This should seem familiar - Republican Legions
An essay describing, briefly, the makeup and nature of the Roman *Republican* legions.
If you're a student of American history, elements should sound very familiar.
The differences between the Imperial Legions and Republican Legions are stark, in some ways... I just want to point out that it was the *republican* phase in which Rome grew and developed, and the *imperial* phase in which it rotted.
"For Romans in Rome's quarrel
Spared neither land nor gold,
Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life,
In the brave days of old."
- from "Horatius at the Bridge" by Thomas Babbington Macaulay
If you're a student of American history, elements should sound very familiar.
The differences between the Imperial Legions and Republican Legions are stark, in some ways... I just want to point out that it was the *republican* phase in which Rome grew and developed, and the *imperial* phase in which it rotted.
"For Romans in Rome's quarrel
Spared neither land nor gold,
Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life,
In the brave days of old."
- from "Horatius at the Bridge" by Thomas Babbington Macaulay