Connecticut governor’s Sandy Hook panel recommends new restrictions on homeschooling | Personal Liberty

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 2 months ago to Legislation
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If this proposal becomes law, it will serve as yet another example of the government’s proclivity to counter extreme, exceptional acts with blanket legislation — legislation that needlessly encumbers many people, all of whom were getting by just fine without shouldering the burden that paternalistic government altruism typically places on law-abiding citizens.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
    What's amazing to me is they're looking at something an adult did and making a rule for children. Suppose he had been fed a vegetarian diet, attended church five days a week, had parents who didn't believe in using cars, or had some other quirk. Their logic is when an adult commits a crime, we can look at any quirk in his childhood and start reguating that childhood quirk.

    It's really bad b/c you can totally data mine it post hoc to get whatever answer you want. Someone somewhere is going to commit a heinous crime. You look through the list and find out of they did something you don't like in their upbringing: belonging to a certain religion, taking them shooting or hunting, taking them to pro-peace demonstrations, teaching them a nationalistic worldview, or whatever you don't like. Then you say, After this tragedy, we need to regulate that activity. You can use it against any activity you don't like.
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