A Small Step In The Right Direction For Property Rights: Thank You Minnesota

Posted by khalling 10 years, 2 months ago to Legislation
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SCOTUS had a chance 10 years to fix this problem. They chose to completely ignore the Constitution which has lead to this outrageous criminal behavior by our government. I didn't read anything about this applying to the Feds. Anyone else know more?
SOURCE URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/instituteforjustice/2014/05/07/minnesota-forfeiture-reform/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 2 months ago
    There has been a growing abuse of forfeiture and eminent domain by government at all levels to seize private property. Statists view the Constitution as an obnoxious barrier to what they feel is the right for the state to own everything. There isn't a goose laying golden eggs they won't eagerly slaughter in their mindless greed for possession of all wealth.

    Between outright seizure and unlawful declarations of properties as "public", the government steamroller is out of control. Even private retirement wealth is under siege, under the guise of mechanisms like the "MYIRA" concept. The Federal government can't stand the fact that trillions of dollars are out of their reach in IRAs, 401Ks, and Keogh accounts, and want to either seize those privates monies outright, to be dispensed "fairly" in the form of "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts", or force the makeup of those existing retirement accounts to consist mostly of government bonds and securities.
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  • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 2 months ago
    How is it that they need to pass a law in this country to protect rights already protected? I'm glad they passed it but it is nuts that they had to.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 2 months ago
        And strangely enough (or not), watching John Oliver last night most of his show was around this travesty of justice, and how it should be stopped. Hopefully - those who follow him (generally those on the left who were fans of Jon Stewart) will finally get up in arms over this issue, and help to put a stop to it.

        Say what you will - sometimes even those on the far side of the fence get it right, and end this blatant extortion and theft by those who are empowered to enforce the laws - not break them for personal gain.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 2 months ago
    This story is 5 months old.
    Did anyone hear about this on the news at that time?
    I don't have a tv so I wouldn't have seen it, but wondering if this was ignored or not.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 2 months ago
    had to prove a negative? anyone who has studied
    logic knows that this is not possible. this is a very
    fine correction for a stupid law. -- j

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  • Posted by sfdi1947 10 years, 2 months ago
    It is about time, Whitman for all her lack of luster supported a similar bill in NJ when she was Gov., after a big scandal in Monmouth over a Corvette that was seized for the County Prosecutor's personal use. But the jerk did get put in jail and disbarred even when the Libs in our legislature killed the law.
    Our real problem is that we are not pursuing the hooked users, and putting them in a controlled military environment until they are cured. As far as the recreational users, well, orange jump suits and a broom with 60 days contiguous Public Service cleaning streets and ditches for each count and they'll quit.
    The crooks and sellers will find something else to do when nobody's buying their stuff.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 2 months ago
    Excellent! About time. My only beef is that since it should never have been legal in the first place why are they waiting till August 1, 2014 to put it into effect? In the mean time more people will unjustly be deprived of their property.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 2 months ago
    Over a decade ago I saw some news show I cannot recall that investigated Louisiana cops targeting and confiscating very expensive cars along Interstate 10. The charge was almost always "improper lane change."
    A camera crew drove such a car along Interstate 10, always remained in the same lane and were at least, to the best of my recollection, pulled over twice. The charge both times: improper lane change."
    Since the camera crew was not intoxicated and there was no marijuana to be sniffed, the car was not searched or confiscated. Maybe the camera also helped.
    I could not find the above with my PC search engine or on Youtube but I did find the following--

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