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Sometimes a rubber chicken is just a rubber chicken.
Once, double-entry bookkeeping was new.
Once, negative numbers were denied.
Later, "imaginary numbers" were unreal ... and then alternating current electricity was invented. But Thomas Edison could not work with it. He lacked the mathematics of calculus, so he kept to DC, and propagandized against George Westinghouse.
"Complex numbers? Who needs those? God gave us ten fingers. Have you ever see the square root of minus one? No, it is just a high-falutin' East Coast liberal college professor's complication of something that ain't even real -- which they admit: real numbers and imaginary numbers. You mean imaginary like umpteen or eleventy-nine? Shucks, there ain't no such animule!"
I assure, you my conservative comrades, complicated does not mean "unknowable" ... unless you have a two-digit IQ.
is just a three-digit IQ. complex does not
equal valuable. but the EEs need hyperbolics
to do their work, so there you are! -- j
They are in basic form (no "ed" or "ing") ----
1. utilize
2. implement
3. facilitate
A simple word like "do" was anathema. Oops, strike that last word. It was a big no-no.
That's why big government is a danger to freedom: it is always harder to hide when the walls are smaller and fewer.
I find it ironic that those who have the greatest pride in their own integrity, often come across as the most humble people--because their egos are not hinged on trivialities or substanceless ideals. They are devoted to truth and greatness and the need to countenance these virtues completely negates any "need to be right" for the express purpose of maintaining a self-image reflected in the regard of others. Such a person will never be ashamed to admit he/she is mistaken. Such a person would be more interested in progressing with newly acquired facts than dwelling on past mistakes.
Only reason to complicate the simple is to confuse, control, and corrupt in order to gain power, control, money. Income Tax Law is prime example of simple made complicated by design.
I'm also OK with rolling down my truck windows and locking the doors without a button, motors, and computer doing it for me. Bell and whistle automation like this just costs more money and then even more money when it breaks.
Isn't that special.
When you observe that 'if you spend more than you make you run out of money'...well, not so complex.
This is a matter for accurate triage, not for derision. Complex matters should be treated with regard for their complexity; simple matters should not be BS'd.