EPA recommends dropping CO2 “endangerment finding” [ending the lie that CO2 is a pollutant]
Posted by freedomforall 6 days, 20 hours ago to Science
"If CO2 isn’t endangering lives, legally, there’s no reason to outlaw oil and gas
Marc Morano of ClimateDepot calls this the “holy grail” of the climate agenda. Most of the climate policies of the United States depend on “the Endangerment Finding”– so President Trump asked the new EPA head to look closely at it. This is the “finding” in 2009 that CO2 endangers the public, and that in turn means the EPA must regulate this “pollutant”. Thereby becoming the perfect excuse to allow the bureaucrats to regulate cars, trucks, planes, gas stoves and anything from hair dryers to home insulation.
The new EPA head just finished his 30 day consideration and recommends the Whitehouse rewrite the past conclusion entirely."
One Deep State scam to be ended at last.
What will it cost to educate all the useless idiot college graduates who were brainwashed by this scam?
"If CO2 isn’t endangering lives, legally, there’s no reason to outlaw oil and gas
Marc Morano of ClimateDepot calls this the “holy grail” of the climate agenda. Most of the climate policies of the United States depend on “the Endangerment Finding”– so President Trump asked the new EPA head to look closely at it. This is the “finding” in 2009 that CO2 endangers the public, and that in turn means the EPA must regulate this “pollutant”. Thereby becoming the perfect excuse to allow the bureaucrats to regulate cars, trucks, planes, gas stoves and anything from hair dryers to home insulation.
The new EPA head just finished his 30 day consideration and recommends the Whitehouse rewrite the past conclusion entirely."
One Deep State scam to be ended at last.
What will it cost to educate all the useless idiot college graduates who were brainwashed by this scam?
Which is my problem with ALL of these groups. They want to save the Earth by killing the most successful species that ever existed on it (well, maybe second to cockroaches...)
0bama, clintons, bidens, pelosi, and those that continue to vote for these traitors
add in lots of external to the US types, like those that run the World Economic Forum as part of the problem
It doesn't mean you don't get an education. It means you adapt. You recognize you could be wrong (most doctors are... A lot more than they realize).
then they cannot control us
I read so many well-thought comments. Converse with people who understand REALITY over propaganda. It is refreshing. Thank you to ALL OF YOU for making the Gulch one of my few places of Reprieve.
The simple proof that CO2 is NOT what they say it is... Coca-Cola... If CO2 was that bad... Do you think you could BUY Carbonated Beverages. Huge Cannisters of CO2, Dry Ice for smoky effects (or any other usage). They would all be labelled as dangerous.
Look what they did to Freon. (Which, as I understand it, was HEAVIER than air, and did not rise up to the OZONE layer... But never mind... Look the other way).
This CO2 nonsense is tiresome. As the planet warms. The OCEANS RELEASE CO2 (for the same reasons that Coke goes flat when left out, and warm Coke even faster).
But you cannot talk to people.
We all know what BS this scam is.
Can't we just drive a wooden stake into the heart of this lie once and for all?