RFK faces one of the most onerous tasks of filth-clearing since Hercules shoveled out the Augean stables
Posted by freedomforall 1 week ago to Politics
"The exorcism of the USA just keeps revving up. You can tell by the number of revolutions-per-minute Elizabeth Warren’s head spins while she spews pea soup at the cameras. Who knew what a demon-infested slough USA Management Central was?"
Answer: Everyone in the Gulch. We've been contemplating the evil in D.C. for a decade.
"The exorcism of the USA just keeps revving up. You can tell by the number of revolutions-per-minute Elizabeth Warren’s head spins while she spews pea soup at the cameras. Who knew what a demon-infested slough USA Management Central was?"
Answer: Everyone in the Gulch. We've been contemplating the evil in D.C. for a decade.
SOURCE URL: https://www.kunstler.com/p/darkness-dying
Love the line you chose to title this post, too!