DOGE Says $4.7 Trillion in Treasury Payments Missing Identification Codes | The Epoch Times
THIS is how the demonrats stole TRILLIONS they blew in 4 years, just don't bother to record where you sent it, simple. It was "optional". Theft on a mega scale.
It's treason.
Appoint patriotic military leaders, arrest suspected traitors, imprison in Gitmo,
interview suspected traitors, gather evidence, arrest additional suspected traitors,
interview, military trial, execute the guilty.
Crime families must be destroyed: Bush, Clinton, Obama, Buydem,
and many other neocons and leftists in con-gress who profited.
Seize assets of all companies and individuals who profited from treason and corruption.
Crimes against humanity and treason must not be tolerated.
Once they see this, they can now setup real-time reviews that look for this (accountability built into the future). Preferably an automated system that publicly announces EVERY CHECK that is not coded correctly. HOW it is to, and for how much.
Now you are dealing with something that helps keep the NEXT presidency cleaner, so it doesn't come back.
Because YOU KNOW they are all scheming right now to get those checks flowing again (Hey, maybe we get our bought and paid favorite senator to attach it to a bill, so it is legit looking...)
Too bad richly deserved public group hangings are considered barbaric. Even worse is the improbability of actually getting convictions.
They probably voted, too.
Every dollar we save justifies spending 50% of that money attacking the 99% you are talking about.
We need to TAX the federal reserve WHEN they create money out of thin air. That would pay down the debt very quickly. Or, we nationalize it, and change the banks that interest for LEVERING up their balance sheets. Either way.
This one change will pay down the debt, and bankrupt the Rothschilds, etc.