DeepSeek Breaks the AI Paradigm ?

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Technology
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"Americans love (junk) food and sports, so let me explain with a food-sport analogy. Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest claims 1916 as its origin (though this might be partly legend). By the 1970s, when official records began, winning competitors averaged around 15 hot dogs. That gradually increased to about 25—until Takeru Kobayashi arrived from Japan in 2001 and shattered the paradigm by consuming 50 hot dogs, something widely deemed impossible. His secret wasn’t a prodigious appetite but rather his unique methodology; He separated hot dogs from buns and dunked the buns in water, completely reimagining the approach.

Then a few years later came Joey Chestnut, who built on Kobayashi’s innovation to push the record well beyond 70 hot dogs and up to 83. Once Kobayashi broke the paradigm, the perceived limits vanished, forcing everyone to rethink their methods. Joey Chestnut capitalized on it.

DeepSeek may be the Kobayashi of AI, propelling the whole industry into a “Joey Chestnut” era of innovation. If the claims about using older chips and spending drastically less are accurate, we might see AI companies pivot away from single-mindedly chasing bigger compute capacity and toward improved model design.

I never thought I’d be quoting Stoics to explain future GPU chip demand, but Epictetus said, “Happiness comes not from wanting more, but from wanting what you have.” Two millennia ago, he was certainly not talking about GPUs, but he may as well have been. ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Google’s Gemini will have to rethink their hunger for more compute and see if they can achieve more with wanting (using) what they have.

If they don’t, they’ll be eaten by hundreds of new startups, corporations, and likely governments entering the space. When you start spelling billions with an “M,” you dramatically lower the barriers to entry.

Until DeepSeek, AI was supposed to be in reach for only a few extremely well-funded companies, (the “Magnificent Ones”) armed with the latest Nvidia chips. DeepSeek may have broken that paradigm too."

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 month, 1 week ago
    seems it used other AIs to tech itself
    kinfa cheating?
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    • Posted by 1 month, 1 week ago
      Yes, like the banking 'industry' used con-gress to set up the Fed so they can create free money to loan out at high interest rates and guaranteed profit?
      Cheating is the heart of the current political (and banking) system.
      The Chinese are using the same tools as the scum of the 'west' have been using for decades.
      As with virtually all technology, the initial cost of development is very high and unless the rule of law protects that investment those who follow can improve on it at low cost.
      Without the rule of law applied fairly the scum in power (D.C., London, Brussels, New York, Silicon Valley, Beijing) stay in power by eliminating any competition and stealing from everyone else.
      D.C. NIFO.
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