Trump, Gerald Parker, and the games will continue
Trump still seems to believe that government and healthcare should be joined at the hip. He appointed Gerald ("global warming caused the pandemic") Parker. Parker's a real piece of work and will likely worsen our food chain issues while pumping our chickens with mRNA vaccines. This is all just speculation on my part...but, we'll see. Trump's hinted about something - and the recent Pfizer add I saw on curing childhood cancers rhymes. I predicted a while ago and I really want to be wrong - Let's see if Trump allies himself with the mRNA platform once again. This will be a test for him. Does his ego run roughshod or will he listen to Kennedy?
We need desperately to decouple the government from healthcare and education. We've got about 22 months left to make the reforms necessary before we likely lose the opportunity. I know I sound radical. But, look at the damage that's been done. Good luck, everybody!
We need desperately to decouple the government from healthcare and education. We've got about 22 months left to make the reforms necessary before we likely lose the opportunity. I know I sound radical. But, look at the damage that's been done. Good luck, everybody!
Someone I disagree with 10% or 20% is NOT my enemy. He can't do everything. And if we are bankrupt, WE cannot do anything. Hard times are coming.
The Stock Market is TOPPING. I expect a 38% pullback (okay, a BEAR MARKET) is brewing. The Feds WANT this on Trumps Term so they can paint him with it for the Mid-Terms "Are you really any better off... Loog at Egg Prices!"
so, while I appreciate that this person MIGHT have their head up their arse. LET THE GUY COOK (Both him and Trump). We can Scream when he gets things wrong.
I LOVE that Trump was booed over announcing Pfizer.
And if you look into EVERY Doctor who had the numbers on Autism and the Amish... You only find HEADSTONES... Literally. I prefer my President stay alive, keep his enemies close, and gut the system while smiling at his enemies.
preferably in Commifornia where they can assist in the state's economic suicide.
That should be their highest priority, orders of magnitude above any other.