Surprise! Buydem, the Election Stealing Hack Pardons His Deep State Lawfare Anti-American Henchmen: Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley, Jan 11 Committee, and Police Who Railroaded the Innocent. D.C. NIFO!
Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago to Politics
No excerpt. This is too disgusting.
Time to attack the veracity of the 2020 election, overturn every act of Buydem the Fake, and try and execute ALL the TRAITORS.
Where is Henry Bowman?
Time to attack the veracity of the 2020 election, overturn every act of Buydem the Fake, and try and execute ALL the TRAITORS.
Where is Henry Bowman?
Also, nothing stops the investigation, and communicating the evidence to the world. Evidence simply demonstrates the criminal behavior of the worst administration in US history.
I'd pay to attend executions of the thieving traitor scum.
I meant a lottery so you can be the other gladiator!
"I am pre-emptively pardoning anyone who assassinates the people listed on Bidens pardon list... And I will start a GiveSendGo for them!"
You cannot upset me today.
We are on RUNG 1 of getting our country back.
Donald Trump, in front of the World....
COMPARED J6 Hostages to the Israeli Hostages and therefore drew a connection between Democrats and Hamas...
And he did what I wanted. COMMUTED some sentences (where violence or bad behavior was evident), and pardoned the rest, broad enough to protect people like me, who were PROUDLY there, but went NOWHERE NEAR the Capital that day. And any other grandparents that may have strolled up and stuck their head in.
FWIW, I could have watched him sign Executive Orders until Midnight! BEST INAUGURATION EVER!
"We warned you! He's destroying our democracy!"
and MUST BE CALLED to do so of Justice is dead
and remember, those below them are NOT immune
"just following orders" is NOT an excuse
as for the POS that runs facebook, he COULD have announced to the world that he was being pressured to censor people. he chose not to do so. DO NOT TRUST him
The great majority are corrupt scum.
we'll see
if not, Justice is dead, plan accordingly
Give them 45 minutes to show up, or place a warrant for their arrest. Arrest them, then schedule their time 89 days into the future, keep them in Jail until then.
We also should DISCOVER WHY all pardons are going back to 1/1/2014??? When the Ukraine stuff really started???
ignoring the fact they are invalid as biden was not the legit POTUS
Separately, we should pursue the case, and bring EVERY SINGLE ONE of the pardoned scum in for questioning. They can NOT take the 5th, and they are not pardoned for perjury. There are other unpardoned accomplices that can be prosecuted. Successful prosecution of another, incriminates the family et al. No jail, but clear demonstration of foul play to the world, and more eyes opened to the next COVID/Ukraine/laptop/Russia Collusion bullshit story.
Fuck you Joe, your family name is going to be like Hitler!
I once was visiting in Montana, a long, long, time ago. I heard on the radio, a local news station, that someone (name specific) was going to be released from prison on a specific date, gate number (?), at 2:00 pm. If I recall correctly, I thnk it was a convicted pedophile.