Bye bye America
Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 day, 18 hours ago to History
I was watching an active map of Europe covering 2400 years of its history
When I came across this paragraph
“370 AD – The Arrival of the Huns
Spurred on by severe drought conditions in Central Asia, the Huns reached Europe and found a Roman Empire weakened by currency debasement, economic instability, overspending, and increasing incursions from rivals along its borders.”
Gee. “Roman Empire weakened by currency debasement, economic instability, overspending and increasing incursions from rivals along its borders.” The same disease has been killing the former Republic known as the United States of America for over 100 years.
Maybe these three things are the bubonic plague of Countries, Republics, and Empires. And we are heading down the same road.
When I came across this paragraph
“370 AD – The Arrival of the Huns
Spurred on by severe drought conditions in Central Asia, the Huns reached Europe and found a Roman Empire weakened by currency debasement, economic instability, overspending, and increasing incursions from rivals along its borders.”
Gee. “Roman Empire weakened by currency debasement, economic instability, overspending and increasing incursions from rivals along its borders.” The same disease has been killing the former Republic known as the United States of America for over 100 years.
Maybe these three things are the bubonic plague of Countries, Republics, and Empires. And we are heading down the same road.
The game's creators have used the history of Europe starting in 1399 as the basis for the game with so
many kingdoms represented, including expansion into the 'new world' in the western hemisphere.
It's a learning experience in European geography and history as you play your choice of country.
What is a surprise is how fast the changes occur- from one year to the next what was an extensive empire is shown in a color, becomes another empire/state/horde/tribe shown in another color.
Ukraine, suddenly appears as one of the largest nations in ~ 1990.
England/Scotland, interesting to see the border moving up and down then vanishing with a pff when James VI of Scotland inherits to become James I of England.
Rome, the republic, the empire, then the west/east split. Lasted centuries.
The holy Roman Empire seemed to be stable over centuries then disintegrated into dozens of small states.
The Ottoman Empire grew fast, marched west over many years, then was stopped, then vanished.
A lot of work went into that animation.