California wants to own its own refinery! What would Ellis Wyatt think?

Posted by $ jbrenner 22 hours, 8 minutes ago to Government
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California policymakers are considering state ownership of one or more oil refineries to ensure a reliable supply of gasoline as the number of refineries in the state declines.

An oil industry trade group questions whether the state would have the expertise to effectively run a refinery, citing a lack of “understanding of the industry and how it works.”

Russia. China. Venezuela. Iran. More than a dozen countries make gasoline at state-owned refineries.

Could California be next on the list?

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  • Posted by mccannon01 21 hours, 29 minutes ago
    Hah, after reading the title and the first line of your post the first thought in my head was "Venezuela", but I see you beat me to it.

    The article cited two reasons for gasoline consumption in the state declining. Reason #3 was left out: people leaving the state, especially the kind needed to run a refinery.

    At least the state can sue itself if anything goes wrong.
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