The Real Scandal Behind The Latest DOJ Defection [By A Career Pro-Democrat Bureaucrat]

Posted by freedomforall 20 hours, 47 minutes ago to Politics
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"The resignation of a top official with the U.S. Attorney's Office in Washington appears to be more partisanship by a longtime DOJ apparatchik tied to Democrats and a cover-up of a major scandal.

In what has become the latest trend in #Resistance fashion, another government lawyer made a splashy exit from the Department of Justice this week. Denise Cheung, chief of the criminal division for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, sent a three-page letter to her boss explaining why she would have to quit rather than follow orders to pursue an investigation into potential wrongdoing tied to the Biden administration."

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  • Posted by $ Commander 6 hours, 9 minutes ago
    My dad, age 35, in 1970 began a 37 year teaching career. He could come across as progressive, yet maintained a position that was constitutionally conservative. He fought with administrations and ended up fired or pressured to resign 5 times because he advocated for process of teaching versus allowing administrative overhead to "solve" the perceived "problem". This carried over to what he was able to monitor on other government bureaucracies. He was adamantly opposed to State and Fed departments of education. He was actually opposed to anyone under 30-35 years old entering a classroom to teach. "They have no real experience to live in this world or teach the skills necessary."
    After his retirement he and I talked and shared on a weekly basis regarding all the policy, inequity, waste, etc in the governmental structures. He really started getting a grasp, as he had lived through a lot of this activity, remembering elections, State and Fed regulatory changes, growth of "Departments", especially the escalation of overhead employment in the schools to address perceived and actual academic performance. The people who occupy the present bureaucracy would have been ages of students he had taught. He expressed on more than one occasion that the school system was destroying the minds, and therefore the values of the young. All of this was preparing the young for a job and not a life. "How are you going to spend your time; making a living or making a life?" My generation knows only the comforts of technology, training for a "job" and the persistent sound bites of all the narratives of the info tech available. Reading comprehension has taken a severe dive and thus the enthusiasm to pursue the skill. This was dad's prime advocacy.
    So, we end up with the illiterate, uneducated, performing tasks that require real leadership and comprehension, for which they are unprepared. Dad saw this clearly in 2016. In 2020 he was aghast at the election results. A little hope that he might see some healthy change was quenched. I watched him withdraw. To the point of death almost 2 years ago. The only wish that I had for him was that he might live long enough to see the administration (literally) of Justice

    I will conduct my thoughts as if this Justice were a funeral. It grieves me deeply that we are once again in the pattern of reactionary re-volution. Will the safeguards for posterity be enacted objectively or will we re-volve again on the 80 year pattern?
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