Who knew that the best way to convert Utopian Woke Democrats back into a reality-based thought system would be to burn their houses down?

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"“Life imitates art,” Oscar Wilde quipped, a most insightful glimpse into the human condition delivered as a wise-crack. Very Hollywood. Too bad there were no late-night talk shows in Oscar’s time. It took more than eighty years, but the apocalyptic burning of Los Angeles depicted at the climax of Nathanial West’s 1939 novel The Day of the Locust has finally come — the city of dreams turned into one big flaming nightmare. The adumbrations of this fiasco will darken our national life for years to come.

Who knew that the best way to convert Utopian Woke Democrats back into a reality-based thought system would be to burn their houses down? The wealthy showbiz folk occupying the moral high ground of the Pacific Palisades voted Democratic by 90-percent. They were fully on-board with the agenda of the Party of Chaos, especially Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion (DEI) and the open border that allowed a deluge of mysterious strangers to flood the country.

Now, reports come across the “X” wires that these mystery folk are cruising the wreckage in the canyons on scooters and in cars to loot anything left of value. The police are shown on video capturing a mystery migrant with a blowtorch suspected of starting the latest outbreak named the Kenneth Fire on the edge of the San Fernando Valley. Loud-and-proud DEI firefighters were stymied in their work by neighborhood fire hydrants that were disappointingly not “full of water,” as they put it. Is that how it works? Each hydrant is supposed to get filled up on a regular schedule by water pixies?"
SOURCE URL: https://www.kunstler.com/p/apocalypse-still-unspooling

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Getting what you wished (voted) for. Unfortunately there are many who did not vote for this mess, but will now suffer through it.

    I do not think the lesson will have a permanent take, though.
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    • Posted by 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      I agree. The fedgov will bail out any large insurance company that is hurt and the insured fools will rebuild and
      get hit with insane property taxes. Those without insurance will be out of luck as the banksters and developers
      steal their land.
      Commifornia gov will learn nothing and continue on the path to Venezuela.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 2 weeks ago
        All true, but I was actually thinking the D voters may have had a flash of insight while the flames burned bright, but will likely go right back to voting D before the last embers are put out because they believe "they'll get it right this time" as the Commifornia gov promises, "yes, we will". Let me guess: the Marxist Democrat party currently in charge will pass "emergency regulation and permitting moratoriums" and tax breaks to get the rebuild underway so they can claim, "See! How great we are! Vote for us again!" and then it will all go back to the way it was - only worse as you say they continue on the path to Venezuela.
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      • Posted by term2 1 month, 1 week ago
        I think that the availability of insurance payments and peoples' cash will reduce the size of the rebuilt houses, causing real estate sales in california to be reduced. I think. a lot of people who have no insurance will just want to sell the land and get out of dodge. In addition, rebuilding a stick wood frame house is insane in california- given the pretty much constant fire danger and the danger from WOKE.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 1 month, 1 week ago
    They have arrested at least two suspected arsonists. Henry Winkler has a group of actors monitoring the area and said they have seen at least five guys in ski masks prowling around.
    My guess is it's an Antifa-type coordinated attack. I'd bet the fires targeted Conservatives' homes,
    but someone would have to do research on that.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 1 week ago
    EVERYONE who fled those countries KNEW!

    because... Funny Story... "Anyone can farm" produced massive starvation... Anyone can build a sky scraper... Produces Chinese buildings that fall apart in your hand...

    These people are just Dunning Krueger examples without knowing it!
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  • Posted by jimslag 1 month, 1 week ago
    The best thing that could happen to LA is that the Big One hits and it slides into the Pacific. I do feel sorry for those that have lost loved ones and/or property but I sincerely hope it takes the politicians with it.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    While the feds pour banana-bucks into Kali, residents in the Carolinas are still living in tents and struggling to survive. Newslum and his cronies are still sucking hard on the Biden teat to get it all before their supply is cut off in 7 days, to hell with the rest of those who were promised help. To hell with all of the teat-suckers. NIFO!
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  • Posted by term2 1 month, 1 week ago
    Nothing like stark reality to make people think rationally. Nothing like a pit bull guarding someones property to make a thief think twice about robbing it....
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