Vandalizing Tesla Vehicles

Posted by $ Abaco 1 day, 17 hours ago to Culture
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I've been having trouble wrapping my head around the vandalizing of Tesla vehicles around the nation in response to DOGE and Elon. Then...Just this morning I remember the teachings of Marxism in my son's high school when we were still in California. His geography teacher took it upon herself to teach Marxism to the kids. My son recorded her lecture when she said, "To get somebody's attention you can take or destroy their property." She also later said, "If somebody says something that threatens your existence you can physically attack them." My son said, "I don't agree that I should take other people's property." Her response? "Oh, property is just property." When he said he didn't believe in attacking people who don't agree with you she said, "Oh, you're a pacifist." What got me thinking about this was seeing that Tesla's stock dropped almost 9% at opening this morning. I sold mine when my stop on it had already triggered after a drop of 20% a few weeks ago. They're damaging the cars of people they've never met just because they don't like the CEO of the company and want to attack his wealth by stymieing sales of Tesla vehicles. Smart. Sick. But, it's working.

I have been thinking more the past couple years....What if conservatives started playing by the same, sick, rules? Man, that'd be crazy...

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 day, 16 hours ago
    Competition and lack of market demand for Tesla's products account for a large part of the fall in Tesla's share price.
    The middle class that might have purchased the over-priced vehicles has been reduced to a shadow of its former market power.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 day, 8 hours ago
      i'd not buy one once i heard you need "server permission" to use the damn thing

      a server outage made them not usable several years back
      screw that, i want to OWN my vehicle
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 20 hours, 28 minutes ago
        Didn't someone get locked into her own Tesla for some hours? Thing was, there was a way to disable the locks, but she hadn't bothered to read about it, from what I recall. Someone eventually came along and rescued her.

        This (first paragraph) has nothing, really, to do with your point, mhubb, because yes, this is something that would keep me from purchasing one. Having an unpopular opinion could - depending on the opinion - could put one in a bad position. My husband really, really, really wanted a cybertruck, but I talked him out of it, due to the cost and the permissions thing.

        My son in law, however, did buy one back when they were first available, but sold it not long after the price nearly doubled.
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        • Posted by rhfinle 19 hours, 47 minutes ago
          I am fortunate to own a car (1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-door) which currently contains absolutely no electronics whatsoever, not even alternator diodes, at least until I put the radio back in. It would be comforting, i suppose to scoot right on through, wondering what happened to everyone else, in the case of a network failure or, Heaven forbid, an EMP pulse / grid down total collapse.
          Of course I'll probably be driving the much later model pickup (the one that chimes incessantly to tell me to put on my damned seatbelt) when it happens...
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          • Posted by JakeOrilley 14 hours, 10 minutes ago
            Mine is a '52 MG TD MKII - absolutely no electronics in that machine!!! Also a '69 Jaguar XKE 4.2 that has no electronics except the radio - just a couple of original carbs that are a pain to get right......
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          • Posted by $ 18 hours, 58 minutes ago
            Love those. My dad went through many classic chevys when I was a kid. Drag raced very successfully with a 55. My favorite has always been the 55.
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 19 hours, 36 minutes ago
            OMG a '57 Chevy! I bet that thing is worth a fortune!
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            • Posted by rhfinle 18 hours, 3 minutes ago
              Unfortunately it's more of a "rat rod" right now, but I have a '66 327 Police Interceptor (same as the Corvette I think, with the camelback heads), and I just officially completed my retirement/Socialist Insecurity/Medicare/supplemental paperwork 11 days ago, so maybe soon...
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        • Posted by VetteGuy 20 hours, 12 minutes ago
          The issue with door locks is not limited to Teslas. Shortly before I bought my Vette, I heard of an elderly man dying in a grocery store parking lot because he could not get out using the electric door release. Turns out my Vette and my son-in-law's Tesla have mechanical over-rides for the electric door releases. But you have to know they are there. If you own ANY car with electric door handles, I would strongly urge you to check into the mechanical over-rides. After the battery fails is no time to start looking.
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 19 hours, 37 minutes ago
            My Lexus is an older model and although it has electronic locks, there is also a manual key for the outside and a manual open from the inside. Hubby's Lexus is newer with fancier features, but it does also have a key within the keyfob. Not easy to get the key out, for either car. Both cars have actually had a dead starting battery at different times, which controls those things, so we learned how to use them. I don't think - with my models, you could get locked in.

            But your point is a very good one.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 19 hours, 52 minutes ago
            Sounds like a programmers 'feature' desperately searching for a reason to exist (other than simply increasing the sales price and vaporous desirability.)
            Unfortunately, transferring control from the buyer of the vehicle to 'central product support' ultimately manipulated by out of control government appears to be the real goal.
            If I wanted to ride a train and let others (often less competent) control my destiny I wouldn't have bought a vehicle that I am supposed to own and control.
            The company that offers products without such 'features' might be very successful in a free market.
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    • Posted by $ 1 day, 14 hours ago
      Yeah, could be. I think the trucks are ugly as hell. I've literally only ridden in a Tesla sedan once. I thought it was nice - for running around town.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 19 hours, 40 minutes ago
    Somewhere along the lines, the liberal faction threw in the notion that property is not important to the individual and should be communal. I remember reading a story by a Russian-American immigrant who pointed out that property acquired is equivalent to money earned which is equivalent to hours worked which means a chunk of your lifetime taken away for someone else's use. We need to refresh everyone on this concept. I for one advocate using any means, up to and including lethal force against anyone trying to steal personal property, for that reason.
    Of course, if it goes that far, it's best not to get the authorities involved. They lately (check this week's Boston news) seem to protect the perpetrators rather than the victims, in the name of "equity".
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    • Posted by fairbro 9 hours, 7 minutes ago
      Zuckerberg's AI is going to be "open-source". One could ask it a question, "What's the best way to get a car?" It might answer (programmed for "equity") "steal your neighbor's, he has two cars."
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 20 hours, 30 minutes ago
    First, TSLA is also down because the market is correcting right now (a LONG delayed selloff for the recession we entered under BuyDem and they changed the definition of, and papered over it with more inflation).

    Second, yeah, it's an obvious target. What scares me is the thought process:
    "Musk is saving EVERY AMERICAN $$$, and could result in us paying less taxes, and our children being LESS INDEBTED when they are born..."
    THEREFORE we must FIREBOMB this guy and everything he stands for...

    I can't Grok (Pun intended) the leap. Unless these are Useful Idiots, and "Mind Control" tricks.

    This is NOTHING MORE than Punishing someone who is acting against the Deep State. Just like they did Trump.

    The problem is... It works in small increments, because people don't want to lose what they barely have... But done too much, and a Martyr is born. Done too much, and your THINGS start to mean LESS than your FUTURE.

    We are ALWAYS 9 meals away from a revolution.
    But there is another number. When daily food > 60% of your income, definitely at the 75% range. You have ZERO FUTURE, and revolution comes streaming in from everyone in the same boat.
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    • Posted by $ 18 hours, 57 minutes ago
      The libs are pro-pain and destruction...
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 18 hours, 45 minutes ago
        The brainwashing is strong with them.
        They have been PAINTED into a corner that they are the "Good Ones". And that we are trying to destroy everything that makes this country truly great... (Them, Their People, Their Protected Groups, Their Diversity).

        It's really that simple. They are wrong. And partly insane. The believe FALSE Ideals that they have been sold.

        And NOBODY is allowed to talk to them, for fear of being ex-communicated by their peer group.

        Everything that makes us HUMAN is turned/twisted to control these people, and they cannot see that they are controlled. "Trapped on the plantation" some people use to refer to this situation.

        Mass formation Psychosis.

        We need some "The More You Know..." Public announcements on EVERY channel, to chip away at them while they watch CNN/CNBC/MSDnC...

        Where we show that "actual deaths from Covid-19... Were a severe flu season. Masks Never Worked. The vaccine NEVER prevented transmitting the disease, and wasn't designed to or tested for that effect!"
        Show the graph of the Spanish Flu vs Covid. It's a joke.

        But we are going to have to get in front of their eyeballs on their channels and spit some truths at them.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 20 hours, 34 minutes ago
    Well, it appears to be working to reduce his wealth (sorry to say), but I don't think it's working to make him back off what he's doing. I'm thinking that's what they are really after? People like Elon can always regenerate their wealth (not that he should have to), but if he stops his efforts to keep the country from destroying itself, there'll be no way to regenerate it.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 20 hours, 2 minutes ago
      Much of Tesla's 'value' has come from government programs designed to destroy the individual liberties that Musk allegedly supports.
      If Musk is the ethical man he presents, he will understand the cost and use his rational mind to succeed in both his pursuits: business and defense of liberties.
      I hope that includes liberties for everyone and punishment for the corrupt.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 20 hours, 7 minutes ago
      When idiots start destroying stuff owned by the richest man in the world, only idiots would think that would put a dent into such untold riches.
      "Untold riches" being what I recall scam artists telling suckers how much they could win in my snail mail way back during the Seventies.
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  • Posted by NealS 20 hours, 6 minutes ago
    We have a similar issue here in Washington State. Our legislature has decided that we have no Second Amendment rights what-so-ever. It's also similar to our national situation of partisanship, one side ignoring the opinion and constitutional rights of the other. What if conservatives started playing by the same rules against something important to them? Any suggestions?

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