Engineering Reality: A Century Of Cultural Control, Part I - The Architecture Of Control

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 4 weeks ago to Philosophy
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"Author's Note: For years, I understood advertising was designed to manipulate behavior. As someone who studied the mechanics of marketing, I considered myself an educated consumer who could navigate rational market choices. What I didn't grasp was how this same psychological architecture shaped every aspect of our cultural landscape. This investigation began as curiosity about the music industry's ties to intelligence agencies. It evolved into a comprehensive examination of how power structures systematically mold public consciousness.

What I discovered showed me that even my most cynical assumptions about manufactured culture barely scratched the surface. This revelation has fundamentally altered not just my worldview, but my relationships with those who either cannot or choose not to examine these mechanisms of control. This piece aims to make visible what many sense but cannot fully articulate - to help others see these hidden systems of influence. Because recognizing manipulation is the first step toward resisting it.

This investigation unfolds in three parts: First, we'll examine the foundational systems of control established in the early 20th century. Next, we'll explore how these methods evolved through popular culture and counterculture movements. Finally, we'll see how these techniques have been automated and perfected through digital systems."
SOURCE URL: https://stylman.substack.com/p/engineering-reality-part-i

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I try to avoid advertisements whenever possible. When I am forced to sit through one, I am typically left shaking my head and muttering to myself, "who believes this crap?"

    And it's getting worse. Influencers? I am supposed to value the opinion of someone whose only job requirement is the ability to obtain an internet connection?
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I've now noticed that every movie and most advertisements with multiple couples include gay people. I don't really care about them, but there is no way gays are a prevalent as being represented. Same with women being patronized or discriminated against.
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    • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      I haven't watched tv in decades, but recently started watching the NCAA football games.
      Viewership of that is likely predominantly male.
      Gays and blacks make up about 13% of the population, so one might conclude viewership as more than half of the viewership is white male..
      At least 50% of ads I have seen belittle white men or exclude them from ads altogether.
      White men, when portrayed at all, are portrayed as foolish morons.
      Advertising on the college football games has been about 80% toward the black, gay, and female market.
      When I see obvious racist and sexist ads I will never buy any products from those companies again.
      My immediate family is no longer supporting them and never will again.
      Tv programs and recent movies have been overtly racist and sexist against white males.
      Not a dime that I control will ever go to support American media again.
      The sooner they go bankrupt and all their racist/sexist employees starve, the better.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 2 months, 3 weeks ago
        It would be best if you watched tv and large numbers of movies before guessing about trends in content. Sure there is some to be prejudicial about. Just accept that there has to be marketing for free markets. My late youngest brother hated advertising so much he wanted just bartering with friends. I read, do other mental activity, or when possible fast forward through commercials. Saves about 15 minutes per hour of broadcast time. Fox News is one of the worst with repeated commercials trying to drill in desire for some useless products or ideas.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 3 weeks ago
        It seems like white males are given 3 main roles in ads these days: 1 - evil, 2 - morons, 3 - gay. White females are given 3 main roles as well: 1 - treat white males like morons, 2 - partner or subservient (fawning on) black males, 3 - lesbians (not as much as white male gays). Social engineering at its finest, I guess /s.
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        • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
          I wonder if one could get a multi-million $ government grant to review and publish
          the content of tv/movies for the racial and gender identity of all the villains in
          "entertainment" over the past 24 years, and compare the result to reality, thus
          exposing the racist-sexist intent of the brainwashing.
          The fedgov wastes so much on lies, perhaps its time for some truth.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 3 weeks ago
            I believe the only grant recipient for such a study would be a far left DEI hire on the faculty of a Marxist ivy league institution that would guarantee a result compliant with the Marxist Democrat party narrative. Which means we will still be lied to no matter how much it costs the taxpayers.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Thanks Freedom, right up my alley .
    Interesting that he mentions Jazz. Having once been a Jazz musician, I find a host of beneficial outcomes: social cohesion beyond (so called) race, a mastery of musical creativity and an ability to explore musical and all other surroundings without loosing sight of where one started from, (bringing it all back home).

    If that one example was intentional then it was a good thing . . . or maybe it wasn't and their intent backfired and increased consciously introspective awareness for not just the musician but the listener as well.
    Playing Jazz did not take away my interest/appreciation in other forms of music nor did it cause me to misbehave or cause harm to others, didn't cause me to vote a particular way, other than being able to see all around the subject.

    I am sure that 99.9999999% of their efforts were meant to harm and not help.
    Maybe the point is it was purposed manipulation in spite of any positive affects.

    Would appreciate your and others view on this one example.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      PS, re-sighting an obvious point and not to undermine the point of posting this valuable article, their manipulations taught them about how we learn and adapt and it made them a more vicious adversary for Conscious Human Life but it also speaks to their own ineptness in undermining their own efforts by making us stronger, more moral (as in moral teachings in shows and cartoons) and more aware,

      Another outcome of their efforts might very well be the 'Division' created in manipulating the most vulnerable among us while creating the opposite affect in others..
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  • Posted by term2 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    It appears that the innate desire of humans to have power over people who affect their lives has gotten out of control. Its not a conspiracy that involves people to get together to centralize power- but their innate desire to each gain power has resulted in the gross centralization of power without anyone really planning or executing the levers of power.

    Them people independently figured out how to use government to control people- STRONGER TOGETHER was Hillary's slogan. We should curtail government powers NOW to prevent the centralization of power that is the inner goal of people in this culture.
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