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  • Posted by $ 5 months ago
    She has a priIvate room, good meals, TV and help with everything including her shower. Wow! what a rest. I was diagnosed with about the worse back in the world from a fall and did I get help. Hell no. No pain relief, no physical therapy, no home assistance, no hspitalization and no explanation. I have an aneurysym on an aorta, herniated lumbar discs numbness in my feet, can't wapk or even stand alone. I have probably the best and most liberal insurance you could possibly. What I don't seem to have are doctors with any sense at all. They have passed me from a vascular surgeon to primary physicians, then a neuro surgeon who says he can't figure out my problem. Duh! What do you do when you can't stand alone, go downstairs to get some food because your friends disappeared and family (one son, one daughter) are not available. Also your insurance says no home health except acute. What is acute:? Cannot walk, stand, or escape pain. Won't give pain relief medicine to someone over 80? Duh. My next letter is going to be to Governor Abbott. I just bought a new car I can't even get into. nb
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    • Posted by freedomforall 5 months ago
      If government is good for anything, it's forcing other gov branches to cough up a little bit the funds they get for being parasites.
      If you are on medicare, your con-gress person might be able to help you can find the loophole in coverage that helps with pain.
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