Kill the Admin State, Salt The Earth Beneath It, Eliminate Income Tax, and the Middle and Working Classes Will Soar [D.C. NIFO]

Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks, 3 days ago to Government
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"The income tax is a wholly negative force in everyone’s life.

First of all, consumption taxes are more virtuous than income taxes. It means government revenue prospers only when citizens prosper. As my friend pointed out, with no income tax, the virtuous kid can work, save, and start a business, by denying himself treats. Again, simple illustration. Trust me, I could write a 40 page policy paper with 40 pages of citations, that you would have to pay yourself to read, but this is its precis:

When Trump instituted tariffs on aluminum, the largest aluminum producer in the U.S. restarted idle production lines. These are good jobs, family supporting jobs. Jobs with multipliers across every community in the region.

At the same time, an aluminum plant in Quebec, which was selling subsidized aluminum into the American market, closed. Quebec was cheating. We cheat with our deals by subsidizing our industries. We cheat with softwood. We cheat with anything we can. As does Europe, as does India. It is the opposite of virtue. If Canada and Europe had not shut down their industries over ‘climate change’, they would not need to cheat to sell their product. They would be able to use it that aluminum for example and create jobs that would mean most of the democratic west would not be desperately broke.

Tariffs on American goods is how every other country makes up for its poor decisions as was made clear when the US Trade deficit surged to a record ahead of Trump’s decisions. They were getting in while the getting was good. The U.S. imposing reciprocal tariffs meant their gravy train was about to end.

Imposing tariffs on foreign goods means a $700 billion add to the U.S. budget. It ushers in an entirely virtuous cycle. It brings back badly needed manufacturing to the U.S. It means workers with good pay, jobs which have a multiplier of 3-5 throughout the economy. It means more demand for American resources; the average mining job has a multiplier of 7 jobs. These are not influencer jobs or McJobs or jobs in moving money around, they are real jobs where people can build families and a future. Cut a trillion off the bloated destructive evil of the administrative state through DOGE and firing 1/3 of federal and state workers, $700 billion in tariffs, and lo and behold you have a functioning economy. Your deficit has been eliminated. You are no longer Big Daddy for failures across the planet. Countries like Canada and all of the E.U. and Britain are forced to grow up and develop.

The rest? Funded by a consumption tax."
SOURCE URL: https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/kill-the-admin-state-salt-the-earth

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  • Posted by Lucky 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    Great stuff! Highly recommended.

    Well I find that Elizabeth Nickson is Canadian.
    She regards herself, or did, as a lefty. "All's well that ends well".

    There are several important points made in this excellent article, not quotes, my words:
    Why, as Trump says, replacing income tax with tariffs is good and practical, add a consumption tax, chop income tax.
    Major nations have inadequate military defense arrangements and rely, heavily, on the US. Why? They overspend on welfare, the economy gets weakened, governments do not get enough tax revenue so they cut essential defense. The welfare sector grows .. ..
    Climate crap does not just debilitate the culture but devastates the economy.

    Then there is Ukraine:
    Western elites, European bureaucrats, USAID and politicians
    - Started the war with Ukraine by breaking a promise they made in 1998 not to expand NATO.
    - They never kept to the Minsk Treaty
    - From 2014 they deposed an elected President because he was 'pro-Russia' adding to hysteria that Russia and Putin are the source of Europe's problems.
    - Neck deep in guilt for 1.5 million dead.
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    • Posted by 2 weeks, 2 days ago
      Repeal of income tax would be a boon to the middle class and bring immense international wealth to the US, which would revitalize the economy.
      Hundreds of thousands of millionaires would come to the US and bring their wealth and talent here instead of staying in Europe or Asia.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 2 days ago
      Agreed, Lucky. She makes a good argument for: Why would Putin invade Europe and take custody of a bunch of failing welfare states? The only answer I can think of is failed welfare states can be dangerous when shifting the blame for failure away from themselves. Trump needs to play this game carefully, but he has to play by his rules, not theirs.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    The problem with the middle and even more, the working class, is how easy it is to sell "envy". The FACT that poor people today have a higher standard of living in every way than royalty of 100 years ago, and still whine about capitalism is completely ridiculous.

    Envy sells!
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