Pentagon Contractor Fired After Undercover DoD "Stop Trump" Exposé. Firing is NOT the punishment for TREASON.

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Politics
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"Mannina further revealed that he was participating in a “huge meeting with military leaders; in a very secure room called ‘The Tank.’” The Tank is a nickname for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Conference room which is a (SCIF), a Compartmentalized Information Facility.
“What we were doing was we were trying to explain to the American people the national security consequences of another Trump presidency.” He elaborated on his recent activities, saying, “Since the spring, I was working with these retired generals, retired ambassadors,” adding, “They’re like one, two, or three-star generals and admirals. You probably know maybe four stars.” He acknowledged the organization’s ultimate goal, emphasizing, “This organization tried to defeat Donald Trump.”"
Firing is not the punishment for TREASON.

Take this scumbag traitor to Cuba and extract the identities of all the traitors.

Then prosecute them all in a military court and execute the guilty.
Simultaneously, bust everyone in the military during the Obama and Buydem years who was promoted and prosecute everyone who actively supported the insane Afghan and Ukraine unconstitutional 'wars'. Bring back some who were fired by Obama/Buydem officials without cause. Clear out all the traitorous scum.
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pentagon-contractor-fired-after-undercover-dod-stop-trump-expose

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 1 week ago
    It's going to be a tough job to root out the rot in both the DOJ and the DOD, but it looks like the right people are getting lined up to do it. The Democrat snakes and their sycophants are putting up a lot of tongue wagging and hissing, but if the GOP can just hold on to a bit of spine they can get it done.
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    • Posted by 1 month, 1 week ago
      That will be the first time in 80 years for the GOP.
      I won't be optimistic until the obvious traitors in both parties are tried and executed.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 1 week ago
        You got me laughing and nodding my head up and down, FFA, LMAO. It seems every time the GOP gets to do something useful and ingenious for the republic, they get whomped with the stupid stick right back into the swamp. Maybe this time... cough-cough.
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  • Posted by NealS 1 month ago
    Those that exposed this treason shoujd get a Pulitzer Prize, and later should get the Presential Medal of Freedom. I believe, and unfortunately, the government is too big and powerful for most of it to be properly addressed, even under Trump. Someone needs to actaully be tried, found guilty, sentenced, and executed in order to have a real impact on our future.

    But then too,both of those last two honors have been dishonored and degraded especially by two of our last three presidents. Disgusting to say the least. Treasonous acts in themselves.
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